Response and Aftermath of 911 Culture, response, political, safety and interpretation
Complete the sheet
Homeland Security Homeland Security Act of 2002 Title I - Department of Homeland Security Sec Executive Department; Mission (a) Establishment. - "There is established a Department of Homeland Security, as an executive department of the United States within the meaning of title 5, United States Code. (b) Mission (1) In General. - The primary mission of the Department is to (A) prevent terrorist attacks within the United States; (B) reduce the vulnerability of the United States to terrorism; and (C) minimize the damage, and assist in the recovery, from terrorist attacks that do occur within the United States." From the Homeland Security Act of 2002 Merges government agencies like National Guard, Coast Guard Immigration and so on…
Patriot Act Oct 26, 2001
Russ Feingold only Senator voting against Patriot Act in patriot-act-speech_n_ html Patriot, terrorist or something else?
House Votes
Duct Tape and Plastic
2001 Anthrax Attacks
Threat Level
Interpreting Islam From Dream in Doubt PBS film Trailer
(CNN) -- Texas inmate Mark Anthony Stroman was executed Wednesday night for killing a man from India during series of revenge shootings after the terror attacks of September 11, h?v=buSyRYB5V uE Kevin Hartline 3 months ago Mark was well aware of his actions and wanted to make a statement! He loved this country and wanted it to be knkwn. It was all pre meditated and he chose his path willingly. I knew him personally and it was a much bigger story than what you all have heard because the media was restricted von what facts they could release. Where does a felon aquire a gun belonging to a retired narc officer? Who was he living with at that time? Why wasnt son of said officer held accuontable as an accomplice? I dont hve those answers but would like to
Should we BOMB the middle east and turn it into a giant sheet of glass? 1. While America focuses on finding and killing people of terrorist acts, the terrorist indescrimintely kill. 2. Dropping the bomb will end the war in 12 hours which is about the amount of time needed to fly a bomber overthere and drop the bomb. There wont be any backlash because everyone will be dead and no one will be around to remember. 3. Its much more economical than continueing the war for another 4-10 years and it will save 1000’s of American lives…which is something we can all agree on. 4. We get to perform a live test on the new enhancements using emerging technology for the first time in 60+ years. 5. It sends a very strong message to the rest of the world…if you pursue terrorism as a mean to justify political end or if you harbor terrorist…we will turn your whole county into a sheet of glass which we will then collect and sell for revenue to pay for all the expenditures to level your country. 6. Its safe, its fun, it easy…all we gotta do is push the “button”. First, I kinda like your idea. Second, it would take about nukes to nuke Iraq and hundreds more to nuke the entire middle east. Third, there would be a huge fallout and pretty much every country on the entire planet would suffer. Forth, I got over this idea a year ago. I don’t give a fuck about any religious places in the mid east and certainly don’t give a fuck about nuclear fallout around the rest of the area we have scientists that can figure out a strategic drop pattern to prevent harming allies with fallout and who the hell says it has to be all nukes a few nukes in the center maybe a little ways out from the entire target followed by some napalm and as he said try a few new weapons
Artifact Analysis Look at the sources and try to feel the mood and climate of the post 911 period