Are Women more Creative than men?? Rohit Mehar
Creativity Creativity (or creativeness) is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas and concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts Different interpretation in behavioral psychology, social psychology, cognitive sciences, business and management Attributed to divine intervention, cognitive processes, social environment, chance, traits
Research Definition Creativity is a function on intelligence and lateral inhibition Higher the intelligence, lower the latent inhibition, higher the creativity and vice versa For constant lateral inhibition, Intelligence has direct impact on creativity
Its Controversial!!! Larry Summers, President of Harvard University outlined these hypotheses High Powered Job hypotheses Variability Hypotheses Discrimination Hypotheses Lost his job, intelligence can’t be more crucial than discrimination??
Interesting Research Dr. Paul Irwing, based on SAT scores of people – Mean difference of 5 IQ points in favor of men Twice as many men with an IQ of 120+ Thrice as many men with an IQ of 170+ There is no difference below age groups of 14 years Difference increases as the age increases
Skewed distribution in favor of men Makes a bold statement that “Men have bigger brain than women” Many researches done on the same lines giving similar results Interesting Research
Counter Facts Ever diminishing variability Ratio of boys and girls who scored at high ends reduced four times in 20 years SAT scores depends heavily on career choices Discrimination and Institutional disadvantages are the major reason (NAS)
Why this can’t be settled? Only IQ scores cannot differentiate men and women (What else then??) History speaks (applies for both, more pertinent in case of men but) Latent Inhibition is not constant Left Brain – Right Brain (Intuition does not mean creativity) Any other view??
Fostering Creativity Building motivation, especially internal motivation Encouraging confidence and a willingness to take risks Promoting supportable beliefs about creativity Providing opportunities for choice and discovery Providing balance
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