Automated Antenna Radiation and Gain Measurement System with User Interface Sheldon Palmer Danielle Walters 2/22/2012
Frequency Generator: Agilent MXG Analog Signal Generator 100kHz-6GHz (N5181A) Spectrum Analyzer: Hewlett Packard Spectrum Analyzer 9kHz-50GHz (8565E) Receive Antenna Transmit Antenna Spectrum Analyzer Control Box Frequency Generator Cable Pass Through
Allows antenna to be shifted up and down to ensure correct height and side to side to ensure it is centered Allows antenna to be shifted forward and back to ensure correct distance
Arm with mount Acrylic sheets sandwiching turntable Turntable Acrylic Sheet Motor Motor Power Cord Position Marker
Power Adapter DAC USB Parallel Port Connection Power Switch Motor Cord
P Test = Power of Test Antenna P Standard = Power of Standard Gain Antenna G Test = Received Gain of Test Antenna G Standard = Received Gain of Standard Gain Antenna
Raw DataNormalized Data HPBW= 113° - 58° = 55°
Raw Data Normalized Data HPBW= 119° - 58° = 61°
Raw DataNormalized Data HPBW= 98° - 82° = 16°
Continue Testing System Ensure LabVIEW Positioning is exact Continue Improvement to GUI