CT2011: How a Virtual Learning Environment Can (and Should) Help Learners
Pick a number… Between 01 & 10 Multiply by 9 Add 2 digits of new number together Subtract 5 Assign the corresponding letter to the number (1=A, 2=B, etc) Pick a country that begins with that letter (A=Argentina, etc) Think of an animal that begins with the 2 nd letter of the country
The Problem… There are no elephants in Denmark!
Teaching Perspective
Jeff D Borden
Learning Today
Agenda Where Are We Today? What Will It Take? How Do We Get There? Resource Course
Where Are We Today? 1
Evolution of Generational Learning
Generation M Multi-tasker Media Multi-Modal Multi-Nodal Variance (Differentiation) Makes Reaching Them Possible
Variance (Variety)
Understanding the Individual Differentiation: By definition, differentiation is wary of approaches to teaching and learning that standardize. Standard-issue students are rare, and educational approaches that ignore academic diversity in favor of standardization are likely to be counterproductive in reaching the full range of learners. – Tomlinson (2006)
Clasped Hands
But We Also Know We Have Problems…
Are Students Life-Ready? 2008 Oxford Survey of Most Important Employee Skills Employers said employees achieved 15% of these regularly
Technology Demands Purpose Students know when technology without purpose is being imposed on them. Allan Heap, Center for Internet Technology Welding, Telescopes, Automotive, Microscopes, Cadavers, Architecture Software, Bridge Construction Tools, Etc
Technology Based Learning Demands Access Permissions Bandwidth
But Students Still Demand Technology… The average American students College / University is ____ miles from where the student lives: 1980: 5m 2006: 50m 2009: 78m Eduventures, 2009
What Will It Take List #1: Educators 2
Smarter Planet Experts Webcast: What needs to change in education? 1.Stop ignoring research
Brain Research Multi-Modal & Multi- Nodal Impacts on Learning Sleep Caffeine Culture Personality Air Temperature Hunger Visual indexing
Active Learning
Basic Individual Teaching Framework Tell: Lecture; Readings; Illustrations; Podcasts; Video; Audio; PowerPoint, Digital Stories Show: Video; Audio; PowerPoint; Graphics; Stories; Illustrations; Zentation; YouTube Do: Simulations; Activities; 3 rd Party Websites; Widgets; Games; Social Networks, Groups Review: Self – Checks; Journals; Blogs; Summaries; Wikis; Social Networks, Twitter Ask: Assessments; Assignments; Polls; Surveys; Widgets; Groups; Peer Reviews, Group Projects
Smarter Planet Experts Webcast: What needs to change in education? 1.Stop ignoring research 2.Cross-curricular courses
MIT 400 Students 20 Faculty 2 Weekends Curriculum Integration Nursing Engineering Chemistry Journalism Political Science
Smarter Planet Experts Webcast: What needs to change in education? 1.Stop ignoring research 2.Cross-curricular courses 3.Teach students how to be creative / innovative smarter-planet-livehttp://smarterplanet.tumblr.com/post/ /smarter-students-for-a- smarter-planet-live (Feb 10, 2010)
It Began With A Shirt…
The Presence
USB Songs Spectrogram
The Presence / Year Zero
Various Game Sites
Art Is Resistance
Smarter Planet Experts Webcast: What needs to change in education? 1.Stop ignoring research 2.Cross-curricular courses 3.Teach students how to be creative / innovative 4.Teach core, communication, and collaboration competencies
Todays Learning Competencies: T Shapes Core Competencies Literacy, Math, Science, Critical Thinking, Social Sciences, Reasoning, Pattern Recognition Creative Competencies Innovation, Resourcefulness, Problem Solving / Finding Communication / Collaboration Competencies Linguistic, Technological, Interpersonal, Group, Narrative Cultural Competencies The World Is Flat, Micro-cultures, Macro-cultures Computer Competencies Social, Search, Process
Communication Competence Nonverbal Communication: 86% –Haptics –Objectics –Proxemics –Chronemics –Optics –Vocalics –Kinesics Facial Mirroring
Smarter Planet Experts Webcast: What needs to change in education? 1.Stop ignoring research 2.Cross-curricular courses 3.Teach students how to be creative / innovative 4.Teach core, communication, and collaboration competencies 5.Connect students (ie. Educational systems) globally / socially
The Mixxer
Can We Teach Mobile Classes?
Mobile Learning Eventually… Announcements Discussions Whats New Tests Surveys Content Dropbox Submissions Etc
Poll Everywhere Dont forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentation s, and move or resize the poll.
History Pin
Smarter Planet Experts Webcast: What needs to change in education? 1.Stop ignoring research 2.Cross-curricular courses 3.Teach students how to be creative / innovative 4.Teach core, communication, and collaboration competencies 5.Connect students (ie. Educational systems) globally / socially 6.Real life, practical assessment smarter-planet-livehttp://smarterplanet.tumblr.com/post/ /smarter-students-for-a- smarter-planet-live (Feb 10, 2010)
Retention Aids Based On Brain Research
Assessment Methods Thinking critically / making judgments (Developing arguments, reflecting, evaluating, assessing, judging) Essay Report Journal Letter of Advice to.... (about policy, public health matters.....) Present a case for an interest group Prepare a committee briefing paper for a specific meeting Book review (or article) for a particular journal Write a newspaper article for a foreign newspaper Comment on an article's theoretical perspective Solving problems and developing plans (Identifying problems, posing problems, defining problems, analyzing data, reviewing, designing experiments, planning, applying information) Problem scenario Group Project Work-based problem Prepare a committee of enquiry report Draft a research bid to a realistic brief Analyze a case Conference paper (or notes for a conference paper plus annotated bibliography)
Assessment Methods Performing procedures and demonstrating techniques (Computation, taking readings, using equipment, following laboratory procedures, following protocols, carrying out instructions) Demonstration Role Play Make a video (write script and produce/make a video) Produce a poster Lab report Prepare an illustrated manual on using the equipment, for a particular audience Observation of real or simulated professional practice Simulations Games Zentation Facilitate Web Chat Managing and developing oneself (Working co-operatively, working independently, learning independently, being self-directed, managing time, managing tasks, organizing) Temporal Case Study Gaming Discussion Journal Blog Portfolio Learning Contract Group work Polls Surveys Self Check Wiki Immersive Gaming
Immersive Environments
Assessment Methods Accessing and managing information (Researching, investigating, interpreting, organizing information, reviewing and paraphrasing information, collecting data, searching and managing information sources, observing and interpreting) Annotated bibliography Project Dissertation Applied task Applied problem Wiki Case Study Letter to the Editor Demonstrating knowledge and understanding (Recalling, describing, reporting, recounting, recognizing, identifying, relating & interrelating) Written examination Oral examination Essay Report Comment on the accuracy of a set of records Devise an encyclopedia entry Produce an A - Z of... Write an answer to a client's question Short answer questions: True/False/ Multiple Choice Questions
Assessment Methods Designing, creating, performing (Imagining, visualizing, designing, producing, creating, innovating, performing) Portfolio Performance Presentation Hypothetical Illustration Projects Prezi Mind Map Mock / Real Interview Teacher Others Communicating (One and two-way communication; communication within a group, verbal, written and non-verbal communication. Arguing, describing, advocating, interviewing, negotiating, presenting; using specific written forms) Written presentation (essay, report, reflective paper etc.) Oral presentation Discussion/debate/role play Participate in a 'Court of Enquiry' Presentation to camera Observation of real or simulated professional practice GROUP WORK!!!
Teams / Collaboration 78% vs 7% Social Learning, Teaching Prepare Students
From Perry Mason…
To teams of experts
From Dr. Kildare…
To teams of professionals
From Lone Professor…
To Lone Professor…
Team Structures
Role Types Leader Initiator/Contributor Information Gatherer / Recorder / Scribe Gatekeeper/Expediter Follower / Listener Initiator / Contributor Information Seeker Information Giver Procedural Technician Evaluator/Critic Opinion Seeker Opinion Giver Elaborator Coordinator Orientor Energizer Encourager Harmonizer Compromiser Observer/Commentator Aggressor Blocker Recognition Seeker Self-confessor Disrupter/Playboy or Playgirl Dominator Help Seeker Special Interest Pleader Task Based Roles Social Based Roles Positive Negative
Project Management
Crowd Sourcing
Serious Games A competition (against others or self) with defined rules and goal(s) that signify an ending. The primary objective is to aid in education, teaching, or learning...entertainment is just a nice bonus!
Groups & Games… You Try 60 M in an H = 60 Minutes in an Hour
60 M in an H 36 I and a Y 26 L of the A 7 W of the W 1001 A N 12 S of the Z 54 C in a D with the J 8 P in the S S + P M C W 88 P K 80 D to G A the W 13 S on the A F 18 H on a G C 32 D F at which W F 8 S on a S S 200 D for P G in M 3 B M (S H T R) 90 D in a R A 10 Y in a D 4 Q in a G 20 N in a D 2 is the N it T to T 108 (D)S on a Bb 24 H in a D 1 W on a U 5 D in a Z C 57 H V 11 P on a F T 1000 W that a P is W 29 D in F in a L Y 64 S on a C 40 D and N of the G F 66 B in the B 15 B on a P T 56 KbPS
3 What Will It Take?
80 Data Must Be Actionable Avg. = 5.0 Avg. Student Activity/Section at Day 10 (hrs) Avg. = 2.5 Dropped StudentsCompleted Students
Learning Outcome Analyses Student Mastery by Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome Analyses Mastery = 85% Student Mastery by Learning Outcome LO6LO7
Learning Outcome Achievement LO6 Student Mastery by Course Avg. = 55%
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Thank You! Jeff D Borden, M.A. Senior Director of Teaching & Learning