“Congress in its Committee rooms is Congress at work” -Woodrow Wilson
Majority Party controls the Chair Chair controls the bills Senior Minority member is the “Ranking member” Seniority dictates leadership
Standing Committee - A permanent committee in Congress to which all similar bills are sent for consideration, discussion, and debate.
20 Standing Committees in the House. 16 Standing Committees in the Senate
Rep. Mike Turner: Armed Services Oversight and Government Reform Select Committee on Intelligence
House Standing Committees: 1.Rules Committee 2.Ways and Means 3.Appropriations 4.Armed Services 5.Judiciary 6.Foreign Affairs 7.Agriculture
Anita Hill Testimony Anita Hill Testimony
Senate Standing Committees: 1.Foreign Relations 2.Appropriations 3.Finance 4.Judiciary 5.Armed Service 6.Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Senator Sherrod Brown: Finance Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs Veteran’s Affairs Select committee on Ethics
Senator Rob Portman: Budget Committee Finance Committee Energy and Natural Resources Committee Homeland Security and Government Affairs
A Select/Special Committee A committee set up for a limited time to investigate a particular matter.
Aging – Special Ethics – Select Indian Affairs Intelligence - Select
Joint Committee A committee composed of members of both houses.
Joint Committee on the Library Joint Committee on Printing Joint Committee on Taxation Joint Economic Committee
Conference Committee Meets when the House and the Senate will not agree on a bill.
Consider and report favorably Amend it Rewrite it – Clean Bill Reject it Table it Report unfavorably Refuse to consider it
Taiwanese Parliament Taiwanese Parliament