Faculty Senate Meeting November 15, 2012
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Martin Bohner, Secretary II. Approval of October 18, 2012 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Martin Bohner, Secretary II. Approval of October 18, 2012 meeting minutes II. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Martin Bohner, Secretary II. Approval of October 18, 2012 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President’s Report S.N. Balakrishnan B.Administrative Reports i) K. Wray for C. Schrader ii) K. Wray C. Staff Council Report B. Betz D. Student Council R. Beck E. Council of Graduate Students M. Alkazimi
President’s Report November 15, 2012 Faculty Senate Report November 15, 2012
Searches CIO search (from Prof. Don Wunsch) 52 candidates 7-10 for first round interview Faculty Senate Report November 15, 2012
IFC IFC meetings on October 24 th and November 14 th Faculty Activities System(FAS) Replacement to FAS is being considered Two software tools are being actively considered; contacting users of those software. Steve Graham has already asked provosts, will do a deans and dept chair focus group and a faculty focus group at each campus, have names from S&T Faculty Senate Report November 15, 2012
IFC President will encourage the legislature to allow a) Bonding issue to provide infrastructure and maintenance funds b) Funding for the STEM initiative Strategy plan to be announced to the BOC at their Dec. 6 th meeting. (more on Chancellor’s report). Faculty Senate Report November 15, 2012
IFC Sponsored Dependent Plan(what we initially proposed).Employee + sponsored dependent(over the age of 18). Should have lived with the employee for atleast 12 months.Cannot be related to the employee by blood.Cannot be medicare eligible. Currently, UM pays 73%; expected to remain the same; medical cost is $135 millions Faculty Senate Report November 15, 2012
IFC.Start date for MU, UMSL, S&T for 2014 is August 25 th..UMKC is not changing its name.UMKC is exploring Trimester system to increase enrollment.NCTQ won a syllabus release case in Minnesota on ‘fair use’ basis Faculty Senate Report November 15, 2012
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President’s Report S.N. Balakrishnan B.Administrative Reports i) K. Wray for C. Schrader ii) K. Wray C. Staff Council Report B. Betz D. Student Council R. Beck E. Council of Graduate Students M. Alkazimi
Monday, November 26 Noon – 1:00 PM St. Pat’s B of the Havener Center Open Forum NEW STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President’s Report S.N. Balakrishnan B.Administrative Reports i) K. Wray for C. Schrader ii) K. Wray C. Staff Council Report B. Betz D. Student Council R. Beck E. Council of Graduate Students M. Alkazimi
The Outstanding Teaching Award Committee Announced Winners Awards Ceremony will be November 28 at 3:00 in St. Pat’s B, Havener Center Alumna & Women Student of the Year Award Ceremony was held on October 11. Dr. Karlynn Sievers, Alumna of the Year (Gold) and Rachel Morris, Silver Winner Amber Julien, Women Student of the Year (GOLD) and Brittney Abel, Silver Winner Campus Faculty Excellence Award Winners Announced Beth Cudney, Jun Fan, John McManus, Thomas Vojta, and Jeffery Volz Achievement, Research, Service and Teaching Award announcement will be December 21 Awards Ceremony scheduled for February 12, 2013 Vice Provost Office for Academic Affairs
Office of Undergraduate Studies CERTI Third session of the 2012 Curators’ Teaching Summit, noon, Nov. 12, sponsored by CERTI. Topic: “Do You Know What Your Students Are Learning?” LEAD LEAD has launched faculty-run Learning Centers in physics and chemistry and also peer tutoring in intro math at the Residential College, open to all students. Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol Call for Nominations for Student Ambassadors for the Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol event that is on March 7, For more information and the nomination form it can be found at Nomination deadline is December 14,
Office of Graduate Studies Sharon Matson created the Graduate Forms Resource Manual to be used by the academic units. Crystal Wilson presented a detailed S&T ETD submission process at the October Graduate Council meeting; electronic thesis and dissertation submissions are being accepted by the Office of Graduate Studies. The Office of Graduate Studies hosted three Grad Talk sessions during the month of October, aimed at recruiting S&T undergraduates by giving them an opportunity to talk to graduate students in their field of interest in a casual setting. There were a total of 94 students that attended the three events: 62 undergraduate and 32 graduate.
Office of Graduate Studies The Office of Graduate Studies hosted the 5 th Annual Grad Fair on October 24 th with 20 exhibitors represented. Lauren Costoplos received a congratulatory note from NSF and other federal agencies for achieving a response rate of over 90% on the 2011 Survey of Earned Doctorate submissions.
Office of International Affairs The campus and community strongly supported the 2012 Celebration of Nations, on September 29. More than 65 flag bearers participated in this year’s parade. Foreign officers from Fort Leonard Wood’s International Officer group participated in the parade and festivities. More than 2000 people attended this year’s event. Joe Miner and DeLucia International Flash Mob Dance
Office of International Affairs Intensive English Program IEP enrollment: 90 students are enrolled in part-time or full-time study in the Intensive English Program. An additional 20 students will take part in a specialized Writing Workshop for graduate students on October 6 th. Accreditation: Staff members traveled to Washington DC to participate in the Commission for English Language Program Accreditation workshop, October This is the first stage of the accreditation process for the Intensive English Program.
Office of International Affairs Recruitment: Brazil: Susan Potrafka participated in a Missouri Education Mission to Brazil to seek opportunities for collaboration between Missouri S&T and Brazilian universities, and learn more about the Brazil Scientific Mobility Program. Thailand: I-20s have been issued to 11 undergraduate students who are sponsored by the Royal Thai Embassy, a new sponsor. Indonesia: Memorandum of Academic Cooperation agreements have been completed with State Islamic University of Indonesia, (recruitment goal) and Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart, Germany (faculty research/exchange). Missouri Education Mission to Brazil Participants, October 2012
Office of International Affairs Fourth week census of international students is 954 on- campus students representing 63 countries. New China partner students enrolled for FS12: 49 undergrads 11 grads
Global Learning The Kaltura lecture capture system is in the final testing stages by S&T, UMSL & UMC. This system will allow courses to be easily viewed on a variety of devices including iPhones, iPads and Macs. Steady enrollment growth of online distance students continues as shown on the following slide.
Global Learning
Office of Sponsored Programs FY13 activities through the end of September and a year- over-year comparison are as follows: –Proposals awarded in total dollars: $33.7M (up 370.1%) –Number of proposals awarded and amendments: 83 (down 4.6%) –Proposals submitted in total dollars: $36.9M (up 21.2%) –Number of proposals submitted: 101 (down 7.3%) –Research expenditures: $12M (down 15.4%) –F&A recovered: $2M (down 8.8%) –Number of active awards: 583 (down 4.3%)
Congratulations to … David Summers, Klaus Woelk, Kenneth Oglesby ‡ and Greg Galecki, “Method and Apparatus for Jet- Assisted Drilling or Cutting,” US Patent Number 8,257,147, September 4, Fatih Dogan, “Nanostructured Dielectric Materials for Fabrication of High Energy Density Multi Layer Ceramic Capacitors,” US Patent Number 8,263,515, September 11, ‡ Regency Technologies, LLC, Tulsa, OK
Enrollment Management Joe’SS will be off-line from 5:00 pm Friday, Nov. 16 to 8:00 am Tuesday, Nov. 20 due to the v9.0 upgrade. Check the Registrar’s Office webpage for changes to the Faculty Center.
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President’s Report S.N. Balakrishnan B.Administrative Reports i) K. Wray for C. Schrader ii) K. Wray C. Staff Council Report - no report B. Betz D. Student Council R. Beck E. Council of Graduate Students M. Alkazimi
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President’s Report S.N. Balakrishnan B.Administrative Reports i) K. Wray for C. Schrader ii) K. Wray C. Staff Council Report B. Betz D. Student Council R. Beck E. Council of Graduate Students M. Alkazimi
Student Council Ryan Beck – President Kate Burns – VP External Affairs National Conference on Student Leadership Heard from over 15 speakers on student leadership Leadership, communication, public speaking, business etiquette, finances, and more. Direct Student Funding Approved Main topics of open forum - Music & Golf Course Money approved for OrgSync Havener Center Master Plan Creating construction plan for next years. Understand students expectations for Student Center Parking Forum November 28th at noon.
Student Council Ryan Beck – President Kate Burns – VP External Affairs Student Interest Survey with Dead Week Faculty Survey Looking for Faculty Feedback. Expect to see the survey shortly Resolution R2 Affirming 2008 Referendum for improving Athletic Facilities Improve Intramural & AllGood Bailey Stadium Fields Re do Gym floors, Fraternity Row Fields & Rugby field
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President’s Report S.N. Balakrishnan B.Administrative Reports i) K. Wray for C. Schrader ii) K. Wray C. Staff Council Report B. Betz D. Student Council R. Beck E. Council of Graduate Students M. Alkazimi
Council of Graduate Students 2 nd general meeting – 8 th November, 2012 – Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) FAQ – Lucy Sutcliffe, Director Speech Communication Center
Council of Graduate Students The National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS) –2–26 th Annual National Conference 11/01/ /04/12 Duke University (Durham, NC) NAGPS Vision – The umbrella organization NAGPS Mission –D–Develop a member network – Support to empower members –A–Advocate at local and national levels
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Martin Bohner, Secretary II. Approval of October 18, 2012 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Rules, Procedures and Agenda M. Davis B.Curricula D. Tauritz C.Tenure M. Davis D.Public Occasions J. Burken E.Facilities Planning D. Wright
Referral Referred to Student Affairs: Examine issues related to classes that are offered that require students to miss other classes. RP&A Report November 15, 2012
Information Item Motion passed by RP&A: Invite periodically members of the UM system officers to speak at Missouri S&T Faculty Senate meetings. RP&A Report November 15, 2012
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Rules, Procedures and Agenda M. Davis B.Curricula D. Tauritz C.Tenure M. Davis D.Public Occasions J. Burken E.Facilities Planning D. Wright
»2 Degree Change (DC) forms DC 0418 – Update the required courses for the B.S. in Engineering Management, Management of Technology Emphasis Area and reduce the number of elective hours accordingly DC 0431 – Create a minor in Mobile Business and Technology from existing courses »20 Course Change (CC) forms »9 Experimental Course (EC) forms (informational only) The Campus Curricula Committee moves for the approval of this report’s DC and CC forms. Campus Curricula Committee Report November 15, 2012
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Rules, Procedures and Agenda M. Davis B.Curricula D. Tauritz C.Tenure M. Davis D.Public Occasions J. Burken E.Facilities Planning D. Wright
Motion "All members of the campus review committee must attend the review meeting in person or be represented by their departmentally elected alternate. If no alternate is available, the unavailable member may give his/her proxy to another voting member of the committee." Brought to the Tenure Committee by the VPAA’s office. Tenure Committee Report November 15, 2012
Reasons for Supporting Motion Several complaints regarding use of teleconference/ speaker phone during deliberations. Disruptive and potentially unfair to candidates being discussed. Concerns about confidentiality because of recording technology or others in room with phone caller. Tenure Committee Report November 15, 2012
Reasons for Opposing Motion Places burden at last minute on replacement. Replacement will not be as informed about decision. Will need to allow for proxy voting as a backup provision. Tenure Committee Report November 15, 2012
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Rules, Procedures and Agenda M. Davis B.Curricula D. Tauritz C.Tenure M. Davis D.Public Occasions J. Burken E.Facilities Planning D. Wright
FALL SEMESTER 2013 International Student OrientationAugust 6, Tuesday Freshman Orientation BeginsAugust 11, Sunday Transfer Student OrientationAugust 15, Thursday Open Registration EndsAugust 18, Sunday Fall semester opens 8:00 a.m.August 19, Monday Classwork begins 8:00 a.m.August 19, Monday Labor Day HolidaySeptember 2, Monday Open House??, Saturday HomecomingOctober 18/19, Fri/Sat Mid-SemesterOctober 12, Saturday Open House??, Saturday Thanksgiving vacation begins 8:00 a.m.November 24, Sunday Thanksgiving vacation ends 8:00 a.m.December 2, Monday Last Class DayDecember 6, Friday Final Examinations begin 8:00 a.m.December 9, Monday Final Examinations end 6:00 p.m.December 13, Friday Fall Semester closes 6:00 p.m.December 13, Friday December CommencementDecember 14, Saturday
International Student OrientationJanuary 13, Monday Open Registration EndsJanuary 19, Sunday Martin Luther King, Jr. Recognition HolidayJanuary 20, Monday Spring semester opens 8:00 a.m.January 21, Tuesday Classwork begins 8:00 a.m.January 21, Tuesday Open House??, Monday Spring Recess begins 8:00 a.m.March 13, Thursday Mid-SemesterMarch 15, Saturday Spring Recess ends 8:00 a.m.March 17, Monday Spring Break begins 8:00 a.m.March 23, Sunday Spring Break ends 8:00 a.m.March 31, Monday Open House?? Last Class DayMay 9, Friday Final Examinations begin 8:00 a.m.May 12, Monday Final Examinations end 6:00 p.m.May 16, Friday Spring Semester closes 6:00 p.m.May 16, Friday May Commencement – Graduate CeremonyMay 16, Friday May Commencement - Undergraduate CeremonyMay 17, Saturday SPRING SEMESTER 2014
Open Registration EndsJune 1, Sunday Summer session opens 8:00 a.m.June 2, Monday Classwork begins 8:00 a.m.June 2, Monday Independence Day Holiday (Observed)July 4, Friday Final Examinations begin 8:00 a.m.July 24, Thursday Final Examinations end 12:30 p.m.July 25, Friday Summer Sessions close 12:30 p.m.July 25, Friday SUMMER SEMESTER 2014
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Rules, Procedures and Agenda M. Davis B.Curricula D. Tauritz C.Tenure M. Davis D.Public Occasions J. Burken E.Facilities Planning - no report D. Wright
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Martin Bohner, Secretary II. Approval of October 18, 2012 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Old Business A.Report on Current Referrals and Actionable Items
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Martin Bohner, Secretary II. Approval of October 18, 2012 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Martin Bohner, Secretary II. Approval of October 18, 2012 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Adjourn