Daidzein Genistein Standard YL ML RT FL FR ST Supplementary figure 1
Supplementary Figure 1: HPLC profiles for quantification of daidzein and genistein in different tissue of Psoralea corylifolia plant. Acid hydrolyzed methanolic extracts from different tissues were separated with HPLC and individual isoflavones were identified through UV spectroscopy. YL- young leaves, ML-mature leaves, S-stem, R-root, FL-flower, FT-mature fruit
Daidzein Genistein Standard Control W 12h JA 12h SA 12h Supplementary figure 2
Supplementary Figure 2: HPLC profiles to illustrate change in daidzein and genistein level in young leaves of Psoralea corylifolia in response to wounding, salicylic acid, methyl jasmonate treatments after 12hrs. Leaves were harvested and extracted with methanol before acid hydrolysis to break glycoconjugates. Individual isoflavones were identified through UV spectroscopy of separated compounds.