ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Life in the Atacama Discussion on Science Goals, Objectives, Methods & Questions ASTEP Project Kickoff Meeting, Pittsburgh, Dec. 3th, 2001
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Review of Points to be Discussed 1. Why it is important? 2. Why do we go there and what are our questions? 3. How do we document these questions: methods and instruments 4. How do we prepare our field campaigns? –Where do we go? –When do we go? –What is the existing data coverage? –Landing site, team “blindness”, & Ground-Truth –Science perspective for the 3 field campaigns –The “JPL case” - Ignore? Fully Integrates? Somewhere in between? –The “Flyers” case and the Scout mission perspective
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Overall Science Goals A Real Science Question on Earth with Critical Applications for Mars. Understand the Atacama as a habitat for life; Document the limits of life on Earth; Test the capacity of a science payload to detect and characterize life in one of the most desertic environments of Earth for application to the exploration of Mars; Test astrobiological exploration strategies and train science teams to benefit future Mars missions. 1. Why it is important ?
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Science Questions The astrobiology questions to be addressed during the investigation of the Atacama are: Are the most arid regions of the Atacama completely lifeless (absolute desert) and thus constitute an absolute limit for life on Earth and possibly elsewhere in the Solar System? What is the spatial variability of biodiversity and productivity within the transect? What specific environmental boundary conditions generate oases of microorganic life in the Atacama today? What are the spatial diversity and types of habitats for microorganic life? 2. Why do we go there and what are our questions?
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Science Method (1) Establish in situ the presence of microorganisms; ideally, the response should be unambiguous. No speculation. Converging data from payload instruments should provide a certainty what life is present or not. Field ground-truth will come only after. Determine how organisms modify their environment; it will be critical to expand this question to “what are the survival strategies of these organisms”. Habitats and microorganisms will be characterized using the data returned and they may differ from those of “close parents” in other regions of the world. This is where the potential for genuine discoveries is. Identify, characterize, and map a diversity of habitats for life based on their morphology, geology, mineralogy, texture, physical, and elemental properties; Characterize the small-scale texture and color of habitats. 3. How do we document these questions: methods and instruments
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Science Method (2) Identify and characterize rocks exposed/deposited at the surface that may bear evidence of past life; The case for fossils: Unless we uncover a dinosaure bone, fossils of well-recognizable shape, we will be in the same situation as for Nomad, and may end-up speculating on the nature of the rock. A big difference: we have this time a microscope and a series of spectrometers that can provide critical interpretative clues. Claiming a fossil this time should require a full investigation of the candidate by the payload instruments. A protocol will have to be put in place with the biologists and geologists to agree on what would be a minimum data and instruments sequence to claim a fossil/ Identify the composition of individual mineral grains present in the environment/habitat (rock, soil, sediment) and the presence of microorganisms; Establish the physical characteristics of the encountered environments including temperature, pressure, humidity, and light;
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Science Instruments and Purpose
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Since our proposal was submitted: –Dave Blake was funded to develop the sampling system of CHEMIN; –Alan Waggoner ASTEP technology maturation proposal was funded; – Aaron Zent Mars Organic Detector (MOD) and Mars Oxidant Instrument (MOI) are part of a JPL field campaign seeking partnership. Updates on Instruments and Potential Opportunities
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Where do we go? We should perform transects that are meaningful in terms of habitat variability –Region II (Antofagasta), Chile –West to East - continuity difficult. Need to find solution to perform the “aridity” transect. Very appealing in terms of diversity of extreme environments. –North to South - can be continuous through a “humidity” transect. Very appealing for the first year campaign. 4. How do we prepare our field campaigns?
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Region II (Antofagasta) Includes: –Desert –Volcanoes & Lava Flows –Hot Springs –Salars & Evaporites –Mineral Deposits (e.g., nitrates, sulfates, hematite, magnetite) –Canyons –Fog Traps
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Region II (Antofagasta) Temperature and Precipitation Year-Round Period to Avoid: July, August, September. Unstable and exceptional weather have brought flooding last years
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Region II (Antofagasta) General Topographic Trend CoastCostal RangeCordillera Domeyco (Pass) San Pedro O m 800 m3270 m2480 Total UV - November 2002
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Diversity of Environments: Coastal Range (West) N Fog enters ~40 km East close to Baguedano. Varies with Range Elevation.
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Diversity of Environments: Coastal Range (To the East) Atacama Desert near the Altiplano (~250 km East of Antofagasta
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Diversity of Environments: Region of San Pedro
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Diversity of Environments: Region of San Pedro - Salar de Atacama
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Diversity of Environments: Region of San Pedro - Salar de Atacama
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Diversity of Environments: Region of San Pedro - Salar de Atacama
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Diversity of Environments: Region of San Pedro Salar de Atacama Cordillera de la Sal
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Diversity of Environments: Region of San Pedro - Cordillera de la Sal
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Diversity of Environments: Region of San Pedro - Stratigraphy
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Diversity of Environments: Region of San Pedro - Valley of the Moon
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Diversity of Environments: Region of San Pedro -Valley de la Muerte
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Diversity of Environments: Region of San Pedro - Geysers of El Tatio
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Data: The Existing Coverage Currently under investigation. Already: ASTER: 486 images of the region –Scene: 60 x 60 km per image –3 visible bands at 15 m/pixel resolution –Themal IR at 90 m/pixel resolution –6 Near IR, however “band-to-band crosstalk problem make them mostly unsuable –AVIRIS could solve the question (Airborne scenes of the site for Near-IR to complement rover-based spectra. Excellent analog to THEMIS onboard Mars Odyssey
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon ASTER Coverage Pacific Ocean Bolivia Peru
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Remote Sensing (Continued) Thematic Mappers –Landsat 4, 5 MultiSpectral Scanner –Landsat 1-5 Enhanced Thematic Mappers –Landsat 7 Declassified Satellite Imagery (02/02) –Very-High Resolution Radiometer Space Shuttle –Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (detection of climate change)
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Thematic Mappers - Landsat 4, 5
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Multispectral Landsat
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Multispectral Landsat 1, 2
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Multispectral Landsat 3, 4
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Declassified Satellite Imagery (High-Res Radiometry)
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Space Shuttle
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Remote Sensing (Source Not Identified Yet)
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Still looking for Digital Elevation Model (DEM) USGS Geographic Information System (GIS)- based data of Central and South America: –Multi-layered data –1-km scale DEM Info Remote Sensing (end) and Altimetry
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Landing Site Selection Goal over 3 years: document an astrobiological transect in the Atacama. –Does not mean that we should necessarily re-investigate segments of traverses over the three years. Advantage doing it: –Allow to understand how adding instruments and performance helps the interpretation. Biais: We have already been there; Advantage no doing it: –Flexibility in traverse which will be anyway difficult while crossing West to East –Allow new landing site selection process each year that can include knowledge acquired from previous year –The science team could still choose to revisit part of the past traverses.
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon To which level? –Some science team members have ongoing field activity in the Atacama (McKay, Friedmann). Cons: –None- McKay and Friedmann work South of the region of investigation (Yundai). Pros: –When data is returned by the rover, they will be able to put them immediately into the context of other regions of study and right away understand if the results are outstanding, bring something new, etc. This is part of the scientific process. –The rover can be used to document their existing working hypotheses in other regions Blind Science Team
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon To which level? –Some of the science team members are also bringing instruments. They need to test them and to calibrate them in the environment where they will be tested. For instance: Rocks, Mineralogy (can be performed in lab) Light (cameras, spectrometers and microscopes). –Can it be simulated? –If not, how do we proceed as these team members know best their instruments and should be the ones testing them. »Test them in same type of environment but not the landing site? Implies to send these people in the field prior to the test and the landing site selection. Blind Science Team in Landing Site Selection Process
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon A True Selection Process –Should mimic existing official process. Project should provide all existing data relevant to MGS, MO, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance to simulate the 2009 mission site selection prior mission. –Target Mission June? Site selected in April-May? Data is sent electronically and team can prepare arguments over a period of weeks or months. However, it would be a good idea to have a 1 day workshop at Ames to finalize the decision. –Engineers and scientists both discuss their arguments –Possibility of inviting Program Discipline Scientists and HQ people at the Workshop. Landing Site Selection Process (general)
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Ground-Truth Ground-Truth Team (GTT) is kept separated from the science team using rover data –Prior to Start of Mission. GTT members can establish an environmental assessment following the landing site selection. It will be used from post-test comparison with science team environmental interpretation. GTT members must perform ground-truth of each science targets investigated by the science team for comparison with science team conclusions. –They should never interfere with the test (out of FOV) –They should always investigate a target when the rover has moved on to the next. GTT members are part of the Test Organization Team not the Science Team.
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Tentative Science Organization Chart Science Lead Nathalie Cabrol Science Lead Nathalie Cabrol Science Deputy Lead Guillermo Chong Science Deputy Lead Guillermo Chong Ground-Truth Lead Edmond Grin Ground-Truth Lead Edmond Grin Instrument Co-Is Christian Lamelli Arturo Jensen Hans Winkle David Blake XRD/XRF Jeff Moersch Vis/NIR Alan Waggoner UV/Vis Nat. Cabrol SPI (?) David Blake Jeff Moersch Alan Waggoner Cecilia. Demergasso James Dohm Carl Allen Chris Mckay Imre Friedmann
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Year 01 (2003): –Testing Components. Little Integration of Instr. Not integrated: –Vis/NIR, UV/Vis, CHEMIN tested in the field? Integrated –Spy+PanCam system, Close-up Imager, Environmental sensors Could be performed: –Landing site selection –Interpretation of data sent back by rover –Interpretation of data sent by Instrument Co-Is No integrated science team field test at Ames for this year. Everything happens (data return) via web and –Post-test workshop to present results Field Campaigns: Science Perspective
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Year 02 (2004): –Assembling instruments on platform “without some”; Function Integration. –Mission Phases: Landing site selection GTT in the field for environmental assessment Primary mission: –Science Team at Ames for 1 week –E/PO ongoing. Students to help science team (e.g., Red Rover goes to Mars?) Extended Mission: –Distributed Science Team –Data arrive through website –Daily telecons to organize day »Upload/Download »Sequences –Post-test workshop to present results –Post-test publications and presentations Field Campaigns: Science Perspective
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Year 03 (2005): –Full Mission (3 Months) –Mission Phases: Landing site selection GTT in the field for environmental assessment Primary mission: –Science Team at Ames for 1 or 2 week(s) –E/PO ongoing. Students to help science team (e.g., Red Rover goes to Mars?) Extended Mission: –Distributed Science Team –Data arrive through website –Daily telecons to organize day »Upload/Download »Sequences –Post-test workshop to present results –Post Project Publications & Presentations Field Campaigns: Science Perspective
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon The “JPL Case” Selected for field campaign in the Atacama to study relation between life and UV, Water, Oxidation of Environment –But, their mobility has been removed by HQ –Seek partners if possible. Contacted me at Ames through Chris McKay. How to deal with it? –Completely ignore (maybe not the best idea) –Completely integrate (very complicated) –Somewhere between the above two (maybe smart…)
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon What can they bring us? –A great complementarity in science objectives that would complete our vision of life in the Atacama and enrich our own hypotheses and results Aaron Zent Mars Organic Detector and Mars Oxidation Instrument are supported by this effort. Access to subsurface (1.5 m) through coring Chris McKay is on their team. Contact and Coordination A complete integration is not necessary. –Only segments of traverse designated by the science teams could be surveyed by both payload. Constraint: Year 02 and/or Year 03 campaigns should happen at the same time. The “JPL Case”
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon The “Flyers” One scenario for future Scout missions is to have small flyers (airplanes) collaborating with rovers. Robotic 60-cm delta wings developed by group involving JPL/Ames/Australia. Have already flown. –Flyers are likely to be tested in Licancabur region in the coming year during the next Licancabur Expedition. –In 2005, possibility of including in ASTEP project a demonstration of collaboration between our rover and the flyer. Could come as the conclusion of the tests. Hot topic at HQ Would be the first demonstration of such collaboration in the field. High-Profile test Logistics has to be evaluated
ASTEP Life in the Atacama Carnegie Mellon Funding for the Chilean Partners Identify potential funding sources –NSF International –Research Foundations FONDECYT CONDECYT Other?