Edward Weston Edward Weston was born on March 24, Weston grew up in Chicago. He started taking pictures at the age of sixteen. In 1906, Weston moved to California. He is known for photographing abstract art and nudes. This is a photo of Edward Weston himself.
Best Years Edward Weston was born on March 24, 1886 and died January 1, 1902 till he died were the years of his greatest photography. This is one of Weston's most popular photos of a bell pepper.
Influence Alfred Stieglitz, Paul Strand, and Charles Sheeler were the men who influenced Edward Weston. Influence This is a portrait of Paul Strand.
Edward Weston influenced Ansel Adams. WHO DID WESTON INFLUENCE? This is a portrait of Ansel Adams.
Importance Edward Weston is one of the most known American photographers. He looked up to other great photographers and started to follow in their footsteps. Weston just improved what was already created. He made it better but in his own way. He is now known for it and it inspires people of our generation. This is another popular photograph that Weston took. He took it because of its odd shape.
Importance Weston was not important to any other form of art. He was most known for his abstract form of photography. Weston took this photo because of its abstract form.
A QUICK LOOK… This is a photograph that Edward Weston took of cabbage. This is one of Weston’s most famous photographs of a bell pepper.
This is another famous photograph that Weston took. This is a photo of a toilet. He took it because of its odd shape.
This is of a girls legs. Weston liked taking pictures of nude people. This is another nude photo that Weston took that’s not too provocative.
“My true program is summed up in one word: life. I expect to photograph anything suggested by that word which appeals to me” – Edward Weston QUOTES This is a photo that Weston took. He liked taking pictures of nude people.
“Photography to the amateur is recreation, to the professional it is work, and hard work too, no matter how pleasurable it may be. “ – Edward Weston This is a portrait Weston took that gives kind off a depressing mood.
“If I am interested, amazed, stimulated to work, that is sufficient reason to thank the gods, and go ahead!” – Edward Weston This is another one of Weston’s portraits. It gives off a sense of happiness.
“I would say to any artist: 'Don't be repressed in your work, dare to experiment, consider any urge, if in a new direction all the better.‘” - Edward Weston to Ansel Adams This photo shows a hard working man.
“...through this photographic eye you will be able to look out on a new light-world, a world for the most part uncharted and unexplored, a world that lies waiting to be discovered and revealed.” – Edward Weston
“I see no reason for recording the obvious.” – Edward Weston “Why limit yourself to what your eyes see when you have such an opportunity to extend your vision?” – Edward Weston This is a photo of something you wouldn’t normally see. It has a strange shape to it and that is why Weston took it.
“Edward Weston” unknown author.web.Unknown date. “Edward Weston, : Influenced How Photography Was Seen” unknown Author. March 19, Web. “ Edward Weston” Jeffers, Robertson. March 11, Web. “ Quotes by Edward Weston” Habert, Judith. Unknown Date. Web. “ Edward Weston Art Quotes” Genn, Robert. March 18, Web. WORKS CITED