INTRODUCTION Definition? For SRH: RH education, FP, Empowerment and quality maternal and child care. RH problems: unintended pregnancy, unsafe abortion, maternal morbidity and mortality, STIs, gender base violence, cervical CA and teenage pregnancy.
In Fiji: pregnancy and childbirth is the single most common cause of morbidity in women. Adolescent preg rates are as high as 36.5/1000 in the age group Sexually transmitted rates are unacceptably high Cervical cancer is the 2 nd most common cancer in Fiji
RIGHTS The right to equality and non discrimination The right to privacy The right to be free from torture or cruel, inhumane or degrading Tx or punishment The right to highest attainable level of health and social security The right to marry and to found a family and enter into marriage with the free and full consent of the intending spouses, and to equality in and at the dissolution of marriage. The right to decide the number and spacing of ones child The rights to information and education The rights to freedom of expression and opinion
RH-OTTAWA CHARTER BUILD HEALTHY PUBLIC POLICIES 1. All women, men, young persons and children have access curative and preventative RH services to protect, and improve their reproductive health throughout the life cycle. 2. All women have quality services during pregnancy, labor and delivery to ensure successful pregnancy outcome by making quality maternal and newborn services more available and accessible. 3. All infants and children have access to both curative and preventive pediatric services to protect and safeguard their health, with particular reference to the most common causes of infant and childhood morbidity and mortality.
4. Young people have access to and make use of youth friendly services to help make responsible choices that protect and safeguard their health, with particular reference to prevention of unplanned pregnancy, STIs/HIV and sexual abuse. 5.All couples and individuals have access to quality FPS and post abortion services. 6. All women, men, young persons and children have access to preventive and curative services that protect them from STIs/HIV.
CREATE SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT, STRENGHTEN COMMUNITY ACTION AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Age appropriate IEC materials for primary schools Training school teachers for FLE (program) Training modules for PS teachers on FLE Trained PS teachers in FLE FLE in School curriculum
Age appropriate IEC materials and contraception for tertiary institution. Peer education for peer educators in tertiary school Advocacy groups for MISRH Advocacy groups on gender based violence
REORIENTATION OF HEALTH SERVICES Training on pap smear screening and BE Outreach pap smear screening on mobile caravans Research on men's health issues Research on gender base violence Family planning through mobile caravan Training on FP IEC materials for ANC mothers Midwives trained and retained for 24hr shifts Labor and delivery referral policy and protocols developed and disseminated.