Art Exchange: Surabaya Cairo Chicago SIS Advanced Art Art Exchange Unit Ms. Brody Semester II 2013 PPT 2/2
Artists as Examples
Marcel Duchamp ( ) Famous for creating “Readymades” – ordinary manufactured objects that the artist selected and modified, as an antidote to the eye rather than the mind Visual and Material Culture are combined to ask the viewer to look deeper into what defines art. “The Fountain” (1917) famous artwork
Andy Warhol ( ) Leading figure in the Pop Art movement in 1950’s Challenged traditional fine art with using mass produced objects and images in pop culture Visual culture becomes the subject of the artwork
Jeff Koons (1955-present) Post-Pop Artist (similar to Warhol) Sculptures are balloon animal like Creates large sculptures taken from everyday objects in visual culture
Shepard Fairey (1970-present) Street Artist Famous for “Obey” and “Hope” images Work based off Soviet propaganda Fuses visual culture and politics together
Louise Nevelson ( ) American sculptor known for her monumental, monochromatic, wooden wall pieces and sculptures Use found objects (mostly wood) and assembled them into one piece
Kurt Schwitter ( ) German painter worked in several genres and media, including: Dada, Constructivism, Surrealism, poetry, sound, painting, sculpture, graphic design, typography and what came to be known as installation art. Most famous for his collages, called Merz Pictures.
Candy Jernigan ( ) “Collection artist” Documented any and all physical “proof” of being in a place= evidence Took everyday objects people see over and over and created a statement with making them into art
Joseph Cornell ( ) American artist: sculptor & film maker Pioneer in assemblage art Work is composed of found objects collected and display in wood boxes No formal art training
Art Project Assignment You will be creating a personal narrative using the visual culture images and small material culture objects from the homework assignment Inside your box, you will carefully arrange and glue the visual culture images and small material culture objects into the box keeping in mind a successful composition. We will discuss how you will arrange and/or compartmentalize the box and your documentation.