Chapter 2, Book 6A Longman Welcome to English My hobbies over the years
Hobby: A hobby is something you like to do when you are free. What do you like doing when you are free?
My hobby: I like reading English. I have learnt English since I have learnt English for 22 years.
I like watching TV. I have watched TV since I have watched TV for 28 years.
play the violin do ballet
grow flowers do karate
paint pictures make handicrafts
collect stamps collect coins 收集硬币 集邮
Present perfect tense We form the present perfect tense with have/has + past participle( 过去分词 ). I You We They the milk. havedrunk HeSheIt the milk. hasdrunk
do make grow write PresentPastPresent perfect Irregular verbs Regular verbs PresentPastPresent perfect didhave / has done madehave / has made grewhave / has grown wrotehave / has written collectcollectedhave / has collected playplayedhave / has played likelikedhave / has liked listenlistenedhave / has listened
We use the present perfect tense with since and for to say how long an action has lasted. Present perfect tense I have played the piano since I have played the piano for five years.
Since We use since with the present perfect tense to refer to the starting point of an action. I have studied at this school since (2000 is a point of time, not a period of time.) Now 2010 starting time 2000 Present perfect tense 时间点
For We use for with the present perfect tense to refer to a period of time. I have studied at this school for five years. ( ‘Ten years’ is a period of time, not a point of time.) Now 2010 starting time since 2000 period of time (for ten years) Present perfect tense 时间段
Practice Use since or for. 1 I have had piano lessons _____ ten years. 2 Peter has collected stamps _____ Amy has grown flowers _____ last month. 4 My brother has played football _____ two years. 5 John and Jenny have been friends _____ eight months. 6 They have done ballet _____ My father has driven his car _____ for since
Present perfect tense We use How long … with the present perfect tense to ask about the length of a period of time. We use either since or for to answer How long questions. 长度
How long …? How long have done ballet? collected stickers? learnt the piano? has you he she done ballet collected stickers learnt the piano since for six years. I He She have has
How long have these children done their hobbies? paint pictures, 2003 A: How long have you painted pictures? B: I have painted pictures since 2003.
grow flowers, six months A: How long have you grown flowers? B: I have grown flowers for six months.
make handicrafts, March A: How long have you made handicrafts? B: I have made handicrafts since March.
play the violin, five years A: How long have you played the violin? B: I have played the violin for five years.
Kate do karate, last month A: How long ___________________ ? B: She _____________________________. has Kate done karate has done karate since last month
James collect coins, two years A: How long _____________________ ? B: He _______________________________. has James collected coins has collected coins for two years
Shirley collect seashells, last summer A: How long ____________________________? B: She ________________________________. has Shirley collected seashells has collected seashells since last summer
Bonnie do ballet, seven years A: How long has Bonnie done ballet? B: She has done ballet for seven years.
1.What does Tom do in his spare time? He plays the violin. 2.How long has he played the violin? He has played the violin for eight years. 3.What does he think about playing the violin? He thinks it is relaxing. 4. What does he want to be when he grows up? He wants to be an astronaut.
Please make a dialogue between Lily and Aunt Jenny.
Please make a dialogue between Bobby and Aunt Jenny.
My dream job.
1.What is Pam’s hobby? She likes playing the _________. A. violin B. piano C. drums D. recorder 2. Why does Pam like doing her hobby? Because it is ____. A. relaxing B. fun C. challenging D. interesting 3. Where does Joe want to work? A. In a museum. B. In a shop. C. In a school. D. In an art gallery. 4. Who sometimes helps Alex with his hobby? A. His mother B. His brother C. His father D. His aunt
5. What does Alex want to be? A. An inventor B. An engineer C. A Science teacher D. A model maker 6. What does Diana want to be? A. A Music teacher B. A P.E teacher C. A Chinese teacher D. A Math teacher 7. What does Diana need to like? A. children B. sport C. piano D. numbers
1.What’s your dream job? 2.Tell your friend your hobby and what do you want to be when you grow up?
actions that happened in the past actions that started in the past and continue to the present actions that have just finished e.g. I sang yesterday.e.g. I’ve sung for two hours. e.g. I’ve just sung a famous song. Past tense & Present perfect tense Past TensePresent Perfect Tense
Past TensePresent Perfect Tense We know the specific point of time of the action. e.g. I drew a picture last night. We do not know the time of the action. e.g. I’ve drawn a picture already. Past tense & Present perfect tense
verb - 1 word e.g. I started playing the violin in verb - 2 words e.g. I’ve played the violin since Past TensePresent Perfect Tense Hint words: yesterday, last night, last Sunday, last year, ago, in 2000 Hint words: since, for, already, just, yet, ever Past tense & Present perfect tense
We do not usually use these phrases with the present perfect tense: e.g. yesterday, last week, in 1999, on Monday I have washed the dishes yesterday. We use the present perfect tense when we do not know the particular past time of an action. I washed the dishes yesterday. OR Present perfect tense (Revision)
We use the present perfect tense to talk about completed actions. Charlie is eating the sandwich. Charlie has eaten the sandwich. Present perfect tense (Revision)
We use the present perfect tense to talk about actions that started in the past and continue to the present. Present perfect tense e.g. I’ve grown flowers for two years now Now is 2005.
Practice e.g. I _______ a dress two weeks ago. (make) made 1 I ______________ in Hong Kong since (live) 2 My parents _______ our house in (buy) 3 Miss Lee ___________ at my school for two years. (teach) 4 Tom _______ his uncle one month ago. (visit) 5 Polly and Dolly __________ friends since last year. (be) 6 The baby __________ for four hours. (sleep) have lived bought has taught visited have been has slept
Finish the sentences with the Present Perfect Tense. 1.Mrs Smith _____________ books for many years. (write) 2.Benny _____________ flowers since (grow) 3.Ken and Joe _____________ coins for five years. (collect) 4.Ricky __________ ballet since last year. (do) 5.We ____________ handicrafts for three years. (make) has written has grown have collected has done have made