Energy savings in Multi-suite residential buildings: Case Studies
Outline Rental Properties 849 Broadview Avenue 24 Forest Manor Road Condominium Properties 15 Kensington Road 2 Aberfoyle Crescent
849 Broadview Avenue Pre-Retrofit Situation: 32 rental suites Built in 1930’s High maintenance costs Frequent equipment breakdowns
849 Broadview Avenue Retrofit Strategy: Boiler controls and steam traps Windows Attic insulation Common area lighting Faucets, showers, toilets
849 Broadview Avenue Actual Performance 48 Tonnes CO 2 e avoided
849 Broadview Avenue Simple Payback 5.7 years 10-year ROI 130% IRR over 10 years 14% Net Present Value $45,000 Retrofit Measure Month Completed Cost Boiler Control ReplacementApril 2003$7,000 Window ReplacementJuly 2003$55,000 Attic InsulationJune 2004$3,000 Lighting ReplacementFebruary 2006$3,200 Toilet and Showerhead Replacement and Addition of Aerators November 2006$6,000 Total Project Cost$74,200
849 Broadview Avenue Owner Testimonial “We are very pleased with the results of the retrofits which exceeded our expectations both financially and otherwise. In addition to the energy and maintenance savings, the work resulted in quieter, more comfortable suites for our residents...”
24 Forest Manor Road Pre-Retrofit Situation: 128 rental suites Built in 1970 Roof reaching end of life Leaky envelope
24 Forest Manor Road Retrofit Strategy: Improve building envelope (replace windows, balcony doors and roof) Reduce reliance on fossil fuels (install a solar thermal hot water system)
24 Forest Manor Road Projected Performance 200 Tonnes CO 2 e avoided
24 Forest Manor Road Simple Payback 6.7 years 10-year ROI 49% IRR over 10 years 8% Net Present Value $22,000 Retrofit Measure Month Completed Cost Roof ReplacementFeb-Mar 2010 $206,715 Window and Balcony Door Replacement May-Jul 2010$394,471 Solar Hot Water System Installation Jan-July 2010$329,648 Project Cost$930,834 Incentives-$216,121 FINAL PROJECT COST$714,713
24 Forest Manor Road Owner Testimonial “We undertook these retrofit projects to significantly reduce our utility costs, but also to improve reliability of the affected systems and the comfort of our residents. The system performance so far has been impressive as the solar hot water system has been able to supply almost 100% of our domestic hot water load this summer [2010]....There were a few challenging aspects to this project but we have learned a great deal and are looking at installing similar systems in some of Rainbow Group’s other properties.”
15 Kensington Road Pre-Retrofit Situation: 210 suite condominium Built in 1974 Excessive energy bills Wanted to avoid borrowing costs
15 Kensington Road Retrofit Strategy: Boiler Replacement Air Handling Unit (AHU) Retrofit Toilet Replacement Chiller Replacement
15 Kensington Road Actual Performance 300 Tonnes CO 2 e avoided
15 Kensington Road Simple Payback 4.4 years Net Present Value $183,000 Retrofit Measure Month Completed Cost Heating and DHW Boiler Replacement Mar 2008$210,000 AHU RetrofitNov-Dec 2008$98,000 Toilet ReplacementOct-Dec 2009$25,720 Chiller ReplacementApril 2010$344,000 Total Project$677,720
15 Kensington Road Building Manager Testimonial “We wanted to make sure that this project was sustainable which meant ensuring a sustainable source of funding. This goal was achieved by scheduling the work such that it could be paid for out of the reserve fund and the operating surplus from the new boilers. When presenting information about the project I tried to ensure that budgets were transparent and suite owners understood how projects are being funded...”
Two Aberfoyle Pre-Retrofit Situation: 116 suite condominium Occupied in 2001 Investigation into solar energy led to discovery of other energy savings measures
Two Aberfoyle Retrofit Strategy: Lighting Retrofit CO Monitor Installation Boiler Replacement Installation of Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) on Make-Up Air Unit (MAU)
Two Aberfoyle Actual Performance 164 Tonnes CO 2 e avoided
Two Aberfoyle Retrofit Measure Month Completed Cost T8 lighting and electronic ballasts in parking garage Sept 2005$11,000 CO sensors in parking garageSept 2005$10,050 DHW Boiler replacementSept 2005$43,740 Installation of VFD on MAUOct 2005$10,395 Replacement of one atmospheric fan coil boiler Oct 2006$51,675 Replacement of one atmospheric prime boiler Oct 2007$36,775 Enbridge Incentive-$18,000 Total Project$145,635 Simple Payback 2.3 years 10-year ROI 410% IRR over 10 years 48% Net Present Value $270,000
Two Aberfoyle Condo Board Member Testimonial “...By researching energy savings measures and consulting with experts to understand the existing conditions of the building, we were able to design a retrofit program that took advantage of the unique energy savings opportunities in our building. Then by staging the project over three years we were able to avoid borrowing costs...” “...By researching energy savings measures and consulting with experts to understand the existing conditions of the building, we were able to design a retrofit program that took advantage of the unique energy savings opportunities in our building. Then by staging the project over three years we were able to avoid borrowing costs...”
Final Thoughts Planning: Whole Building Approach Enhance Existing Maintenance Projects Quick Payback + Longer Payback Items Project Sequencing
Final Thoughts Financing: Energy Conservation Incentives Financial Analysis Tools Construction:COMMUNICATION!Operations: Ongoing control