0 5 10 15 20 25 Wild type 0 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 ncsA Afu8g05010 (transcription factor) Fold increase.


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Presentation transcript:

Wild type 0 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes ncsA Afu8g05010 (transcription factor) Fold increase Wild type ncsA Afu1g17460 (transcription factor) Fold increase Afu2g16520 (phospholipase D) Fold increase Wild type ncsA Afu2g07630 (H + /Ca 2+ exchanger ) Wild type ncsA Fold increase A.B. C.D.

Afu2g13060 (calcineurin binding protein) Wild type ncsA Fold increase Afu2g11460 (transcription factor) Wild type ncsA Fold increase Afu3g05760 (transcription factor) Wild type ncsA Fold increase Afu4g03460 (transcription factor) Wild type ncsA Fold increase E.F. G.H.

Supplementary Figure 3 - Fold increase in mRNA levels after the incubation with 200 mM CaCl 2 for 10 and 30 minutes. Real-time RT-PCR was the method used to quantify the mRNA. The measured quantity of the (A) Afu8g05010 (C2H2 finger domain protein), (B) Afu1g17460 (C6 transcription factor), (C) Afu2g16520 (phospholipase D), (D) Afu2g07630 (vacuolar H + /Ca +2 exchanger), (E) Afu2g13060 (calcineurin binding protein), (F) Afu2g11460 (C6 finger domain protein), (G) Afu3g05760 (C6 transcription factor), and (H) Afu4g03460 (HLH DNA binding domain protein) mRNA in each of the treated samples was normalized using the C T values obtained for the -tubulin (Afu1g10910) mRNA amplifications run in the same plate. The relative quantitation of all the genes and tubulin gene expression was determined by a standard curve (i.e., C t –values plotted against logarithm of the DNA copy number). The results are the means standard deviation of four sets of experiments. The values represent the number of times the genes are expressed compared to the corresponding control strain (either the wild type or ncsA) grown before adding 200 mM CaCl 2 (represented absolutely as 1.00).