Links in HTML
Hyperlinks or links Millions of linked web pages make up the World Wide Web Used to connect a web page to another web page on the same server or to a server located anywhere in the world. Hyperlinks can point to any resource on the web: an HTML page, an image, a sound file, a movie, etc.
Types of Links Linking within a web page Used with large web pages Moves from top to bottom of page or a specific section Linking to another web page Connects one web page to another web page on the same site (forward/back) Linking to another web site Links site to another site Linking to Starts new message to address in link
What can be linked Text Images/Graphics/Pictures Autoshapes Buttons
The code… Link text The start tag contains attributes about the link. The element content (Link text) defines the part to be displayed. Note: The element content doesn't have to be a text. You can link from an image or any other HTML element.
Click Here For HTML Goodies Here's What's Happening A stands for Anchor begins link to another page HREF stands for Hypertext REFerence short way to say to browser-- "This is where the link is going to go." FULL ADDRESS of link Notice equal sign in front of it and is enclosed in quotes--Why? Because it's an attribute of the Anchor tag, a command inside of a command Where it reads "Click Here For HTML Goodies“ text you want to appear on the page /A ends the entire link command. Here's what will appear on the page using the command above... Click Here For HTML Goodies Click Here For HTML Goodies
Anchors An anchor--used to define a hyperlink destination inside a document Example idea for anchors: Named anchors are often used to create "table of contents" at the beginning of a large document. Each chapter within the document is given a named anchor, and links to each of these anchors are put at the top of the document.
Hyperlink, link tags Body link----original color Vlink visited link Alink Active link Most web browsers have a standard default link for links (blue)
Link Attributes Target attribute defines where the linked document opens If you set the target attribute of a link to "_blank", the link will open in a new window. Sample Text: Visit W3Schools!
Link Attributes name Attribute When used, the element defines a named anchor inside a HTML document Named anchor syntax: Any content The link syntax to a named anchor Any content The # in the href attribute defines a link to a named anchor.
Home page The home page--main page of a web site MUST be saved as index.html inside a folder created for website Visitors to a web site normally see this page first On a home page it is important to identify the purpose of your web site
Home page Clearly state what web site is about Design navigation clear for user How to move from one page to another should be obvious to user
Hotspot A hotspot is an area of text or an image in which the mouse pointer changes when it is moved over the area. When the pointer changes this tells the user that there is a link Text links are generally underlined and in a different color font than the rest of the web page (normally blue)
Resource: Mrs. Freeman, Winder-Barrow