By Sonali Gidwani
The Complex Way To make a website the complex and normal way, you need a special website editor which comes with a code called HTML. HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark –up Language. As you may have worked out, HTML is the code used to make website.
To Make Site This is was you do with a basic website: Write something – whatever it is you want to say. Now, add the HTML instructions, called tags, around the text on the page into headlines, main text and labels. After this, you can add more instructions for colours, textures and images. This can take a while and its fun to experiment. Finally, if you have more than ones page, you can create links between your pages so you can flip back and forth between them. This is also when you can add links tto other websites so people can find you as they surf the Net ( Internet. )
The Easy Way All that info!! Phew! Instead of using a program, you can use a website! Go on to and follow the instructions to build your own website!
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