Sports culture and attitudes and corporate management Jussi Jokinen Alexandre NutteJakub Pisarek Artturi Ojasalo Eric LionWojciech Szajnar
« Mens sana in corpore sano » X, 356 Decimus Junius Juvenalis (end of the 1st century – 2nd century) « a healthy spirit in a healthy body »
Agenda ● Introduction ● I. Sports, the benefits ● II. Sports as a tool of management ● III. Quiz
INTRODUCTION Sports is usually seen as an entertainment, and not as a tool used in management. However, more and more companies are appealing to it. Indeed, if benefits of sport for human health is not to prove anymore, it seems that sport is good for the health of companies as well…
I. Sports, the benefits
Categories A) Mental health B) Physical health C) Work in group
A) Mental Health Studies have demonstrated that participation in one session of 'exercise' results in a reduction in anxiety levels and self-reported feelings of increased well- being. Further, these improvements in mental state have been reported to last for up to three hours after the activity session.
A) Mental Health ● Recession in 1990s has affected in mental well being ● Awareness has risen in past two decades ● Mental health promotion, one does not have to be “crazy” when using such services ● Growing demand ● Good mental health is an essential part of an employee's work ability
Why sport ? For a healthy mind ● Fights against depression and anxiety ● Improves stamina & concentration ● Work in group (assertiveness,...)
B) Physical Health Actual physical activity benefits the heart via a range of mechanisms. These include: -increased cardiovascular efficiency, -raised levels of high- density lipoprotein cholesterol, -reduction in blood pressure levels…
Why sport ? For a healthy body ● Improves co- ordination, flexibility, balance & strengthens bones ● Eliminate body fat ● Hand-eye co- ordination ● Better balance
B) Physical Health ● Strength enough to carry out the workload – Especially in physical work ● Backside: – Possible injuries during exercise – Minority of people participate
Statistics ● Two thirds of the adult population consider themselves to be in a good or fairly good state of health in Finland ● 54% of men and 38% of women are overweighed in Finland
C) Work in group Collective sports → obvious fact Individual sports → opponent = partner
Economic Benefits ● Hard to measure ● Exercise – Positive effect on mental and physical health of an employee ● Sick leaves – Sick leaves are extra cost for employer – Those who do sport = 2-4 days less sick leaves annually ● Common belief – Money invested in exercise will come back multiplied
There are different levels where the effects can be seen. Country Economy Company economy Employee well being
II. Sports as a tool of management
Payment DirectIndirect Teambuilding Individual sport activity
GROUP A group is "a collection of people who come together because they share something in common." (Solomon, Davidson, and Solomon, 1993). What they share could be as insignificant as desire to get on the next bus that will arrive at a particular stop. A team, however, is "a group of people who share a common name, mission, history, set of goals or objectives and expectations." A strategy that can help groups develop into real teams is teambuilding.
Teambuilding refers to the process of establishing and developing the capacity of specific groups of people to accomplish certain tasks
WHY TEAMBUILDING ● To gain dynamic interaction among team members ● To stimulate creativity ● To surface hidden problem ● To learn trust ● To welcome and handle change ● To strengthen teamwork and motivation ● To learn and have fun at the same time
PROBLEMS / OBJECTIONS ● They are often expensive ● Some employees may not be willing to take part in survival games
To sum up ● Mental and physical health is important for employees ● Investing in employees` health has only positive effects ● Managers should be aware of this importance ● Legislation should be more supportive towards such initiatives.
III. Quiz
SOURCES: ● Sports trams as a model for workplace teams, Nancy KATZ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Sport culture and attitudes and corporate management Jussi Jokinen Alexandre NutteJakub Pisarek Artturi Ojasalo Eric LionWojciech Szajnar