Campus Google Map Applications Copyright Robert Workman 2006 This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. Robert Workman Jian Lian Chan Adam Gschwender Southern Connecticut State University Slideshow Link
The Atlas of Fiction Google Map Examples HousingMaps / / Times Square 2005 RunwayFinder:a flight planning tool
Indiana University Interactive Campus Map Google Map Examples Tufts University Campus Compass Williams CollegeEmmanuel College
SCSU Maps Directions to the CSU Campuses SCSU Students Driving Directions Williams College | Visitors Visiting Amherst College: Driving Directions Maps & Directions - Boston College
Students by Status
Benefits of the Map A map is a picture, which is worth a thousand words. It gives a new dimension in analyzing data. Depending on the setup, you can import new data, becoming a new map. It has educational value. You can incorporate the following into your lesson: HTML Javascript PHP MySQL XML Concept of separation of data and design Importance of raw data and graphical representation of data Database design
Creating the SCSU Student Map Purpose Maps can be created that show changes in enrollment from one year to another. Effect of recruiting campaigns
Creating the SCSU Student Map Before you begin, you’ll need A website A MySQL database Some knowledge of HTML, Javascript, XML, PHP
Creating the SCSU Student Map Steps Sign up for an API Key from Google. Read the API Documentation. Get a list of student data from registrar of only: City, State, Zip Import the data into a database table.
Creating the SCSU Student Map Steps Set up a PHP page to read from the table, displaying it as XML. Set up a webpage to display the map. Include the API Key...
Creating the SCSU Student Map Steps Include JavaScript code provided by the API Documentation Set the page to read from the XML-generated PHP file. Refer to the tutorial.
Problems Encountered At this time, Google Maps only accept longitude/latitude values. Solution: Set up a database table containing zip codes and its longitude/latitude alias. Data comes from the US Census website. Use the table for conversion. Google is expected to make changes into the API. If you will be working on a map project, heed this warning.
References Google Maps API Documentation: Google Map Mania: a free US address geocoder: WorldKit geocoder: Tables to convert zip code to lat/long:
DCU Directions – I290 Exit 16 DCU Center
Google – I290 Exit 13 Google Local - from: 501 Crescent St to: 30 Worcester Center Boulevard 01608
Yahoo I290 Exit 13 Yahoo! Driving Directions - New Haven, CT to Worcester, MA