KEMPER SYSTEM in Vellmar The headquarter of KEMPER SYSTEM is located in Vellmar near Kassel. KEMPER SYSTEM is the market leader in the global liquid waterproofing sector.
KEMPER SYSTEM Worldwide USA UK Italy India France Germany China KEMPER SYSTEM KEMPER SYSTEM America Founded: 1990 KEMPER SYSTEM India Founded: 1998 KEMPER SYSTEM UK Founded: 1997 KEMPER SYSTEM Canada Acquisition: 2009 KEMPER SYSTEM China Founded: 2000 KEMPER SYSTEM France Acquisition: 2000 KEMPER SYSTEM Italia Founded: 2000 KEMPER SYSTEM Poland Acquisition: 2012 Poland
KEMPER SYSTEM Production site worldwide KEMPER SYSTEM Production, Italia KEMPER SYSTEM Production, Vellmar / Germany KEMPER SYSTEM Production, USA KEMPER SYSTEM Service Center Coelan, Coesfeld / Germany
KEMPER SYSTEM Case studies in Germany Palmengarten in Frankfurt
KEMPER SYSTEM Case studies in Germany Deichtorhallen in Hamburg
KEMPER SYSTEM Case studies in Germany Porsche Arena in Stuttgart
KEMPER SYSTEM Case studies worldwide BMW in Styr / Austria
KEMPER SYSTEM Case studies worldwide Stade de Suisse in Wankdorf / Swiss
KEMPER SYSTEM Case studies worldwide Wal in Budapest / Hungary
KEMPER SYSTEM Case studies worldwide Kiley Park in Tampa / USA
KEMPER SYSTEM Case studies worldwide Hotel Gellert in Budapest / Hungary
KEMPER SYSTEM Case studies worldwide Fenway Park in Boston / USA
KEMPER SYSTEM Case studies worldwide High Museum of Art in Atlanta / USA
Roof application
Application on balconies and terrasses
Indoor application
Application on traffic surfaces
Application on glass
Application on protected monuments
Application on special construction
Greenroof application
Application „wind, water and solar“
KEMPER SYSTEM Trainings Trainings in Vellmar Trainings in various regions
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