Welcome to Back-to-School Night Fifth Grade – Room 221 Mrs. Barlow Mrs. Carpenter
Important Contacts East Vincent Principal – Dr. Bell Secretary – Mrs. Liss Attendance – Mrs. Hydutsky Nurse – Mrs. Kinneary Guidance – Mrs. Quinn
Contact & Information Annmarie Barlow Kaitlyn Carpenter
Our Daily Schedule 8:30 – 8:40 Announcements/Morning Meeting 8:40 – 10:15 Math 10:15 – 11:45 Language Arts 11:45 – 12:30 Lunch and Recess 12:30 – 1:15 Specials 1:15 – 1:40 Tier Time 1:40 – 2:20 Social Studies 2:20 – 3:00 Science 3:05 Dismissal
Specials Day 1 - Health Day 2 - Library Day 3 - Art Day 4 - Music Day 5 - P.E. *Students must wear sneakers on gym days. *Instrumental Lessons – schedules vary.
Student Expectations Be a responsible learner. Bring all necessary materials to class. Complete class work on time. Do all your homework and bring it to school with you each day. Be an active learner - participate! Respect others. Color Change for behaviors Homework Strikes & Fun Friday
Homework Homework is posted each and every morning. Students are responsible for copying assignments into their planners. Students are also reminded to make sure they have everything before they leave. Homework is due the next day unless otherwise directed. Approximately 45 – 60 minutes of homework each night. (30 minutes reading)
Science Curriculum Process Skills Inquiry Activities Science Research Project Mixtures & Solutions Microscopes & Cells Chemistry: Periodic Table of Elements & Atomic Structure
Social Studies Curriculum Colonization of the New World –European & English Settlements New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies The American Revolution –Causes of the Revolution –The War for Independence Creating a Nation –Constitution & Government
Math Curriculum Math Routine o Rocket Math Rocket Math o Mental Math o Math Message o Lesson o Independent/Guided Practice o Games/Activities o Student login
Rocket Math Math fact fluency and accuracy important for higher level mathematics concepts Daily practice!! 10 – 15 minutes Include as part of homework routine. and the cat
Co-teaching Co-teaching involves two (or more) equally-qualified individuals who may or may not have the same area of expertise (regular and special education) jointly delivering instruction to a group of students. In Math and Language Arts there is a co-teaching model taking place! We are excited to deliver this instruction because there are many benefits which include: –Students will have the opportunity to be taught in an intense, individualized manner –Differentiated instruction - meeting the needs of all the students
Co-teaching in the Classroom So how will this look in your student’s classroom? –Any student could be provided instruction from either teacher –Both teachers share responsibility for the class –Physical space can vary –My role (Special Educator) does not change as far as ensuring that my students are getting the attention and time that is in the education plan-but can do so in an inclusive setting.
Conferences & Trimester Dates Parent -Teacher Conference Dates: November 24 & 25 March 4 & 5 Trimester Dates: End of 1 st Trimester: December 1 End of 2 nd Trimester: March 10 End of 3 rd Trimester: June 12
Field Trips & Volunteers Two Field Trips Leadership/Team Building – May 2015 TBA Nut free Volunteers for Classroom Activities Homeroom Coordinators (2 would be great ) Please complete & return the volunteer/contact information sheet Volunteers must have clearances on file in the office. Clearances must be updated periodically – check with the office to be sure your clearances are still valid.
Snacks Students may bring a small snack to eat mid-morning. Snack should be easy to eat and not require utensils as they are expected to continue working while they eat. There is no sharing of snacks or lunch items due to food allergies and other dietary concerns.
Miscellaneous Personal items – toys or electronic devices should not be brought to school as we can not guarantee they will be kept secure at all times Cell phones – must be turned off and kept in bookbags - not to be used as an e-reader E-readers – students may bring in their own e-readers provided that parents send in a note that they have permission to do so and that the content on the device is grade-level and age appropriate. Dress code – please be sure that students are dressed appropriately (refer to the parent handbook)
Questions ?
Thank you for coming!