How to write a successful proposal Jacob Bangsgaard Head of International Cooperation ERTICO – ITS Europe Bratislava – 28.


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Presentation transcript:

How to write a successful proposal Jacob Bangsgaard Head of International Cooperation ERTICO – ITS Europe Bratislava – 28 January 2005

ERTICO – ITS Europe ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examples  Promotes and supports the implementation of ITS in Europe and internationally  95 partners from Authorities, Operators, Industry,and Users  ITS World Congress  European ITS development for Galileo, Digital mapping, ITS-architecture, TMC, eSafety, e-Call, Hazardous goods, Tracking-Tracing, In-vehicle open telematics platform, Road Charging Interoperability, Digital Tachograph, DAB, e-Logistics, Electronic Vehicle Identification, International Cooperation, etc. Why

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 Why write an EC proposal? ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Money, in-house development, internationalisation, R&D Money, in-house development, internationalisation, R&D A good idea or further develop existing work A good idea or further develop existing work Do you have the necessary resources to do the proposal and the work? Do you have the necessary resources to do the proposal and the work? Will the proposal be better than the others? Will the proposal be better than the others? Is it the right solution? Can your activity wait? Is it the right solution? Can your activity wait?

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 What is needed? ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Idea Idea Consortium Consortium Ways of funding (budget, own funding) Ways of funding (budget, own funding) Call (eligibility criteria for participation and funding) Call (eligibility criteria for participation and funding) Proposal and budget Proposal and budget Make the deadline Make the deadline Do you have the knowledge on how to write a proposal? Do you have the knowledge on how to write a proposal?

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 The process (1-2 years) ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 Ways of funding ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Call Publication (Cordis, OJ) Call Publication (Cordis, OJ) - Eligibility criteria for participation and funding - Budget - Deadline Select the right instrument Select the right instrument - Integrated Projects (IP) - Network of Excellence (NoE) - Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) - Coordination Actions (CA) - Specific Support Actions (SSA)

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 Proposal outline ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Clear objectives (1-2 pages) Clear objectives (1-2 pages) Clear structure Clear structure Define work plan Define work plan Define links to the Work Programme Define links to the Work Programme Use background documents from the EC Use background documents from the EC Meet the requirements of the call Meet the requirements of the call

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 Create a consortium ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Who can participate? Who can participate? Who do you need for the work (incl. sectors)? Who do you need for the work (incl. sectors)? Who would be good to include? Who would be good to include? Partners should complement each other Partners should complement each other Are the right persons from each partner involved? Are the right persons from each partner involved? Do you have a European balance? Do you have a European balance? Is there a balance in partners’ workload? Is there a balance in partners’ workload? Where can you search for partners? Where can you search for partners?

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 Final proposal adjustments ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Is the proposal clearly written? Is the proposal clearly written? Does the proposal address the work programme? Does the proposal address the work programme? Are the objectives clear? Are the objectives clear? Is the way to achieve them clearly laid out? Is the way to achieve them clearly laid out? Are expectations realistic? Are expectations realistic? Is the timeframe reasonable? Is the timeframe reasonable? Are the deliverables meaningful? Are the deliverables meaningful? Is there a sound project cost? Is there a sound project cost? Perform a screening (Experts, EC, NCP, etc.) Perform a screening (Experts, EC, NCP, etc.) Make an internal evaluation Make an internal evaluation Complete and send your proposal to the EC Complete and send your proposal to the EC

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 Next steps ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Evaluation process Evaluation process Communication of evaluation results to Member States & proposers (get national support) Negotiation process Negotiation process Meetings with the Commission Contract Preparation Forms (CPF) Budget revision Legal issues The contract The contract Consortium agreements

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 Project management ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Project reporting - dissemination Project reporting - dissemination Project fact sheets, Website, Periodical reports Deliverables, Events Financial reporting Financial reporting Justification of costs, Audit certificates, Financial statements Project reviews Project reviews Technical reviews, Financial audits

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 Examples of ongoing activities ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy e-Thematic – CA e-Thematic – CA eScope – SSA eScope – SSA SIMTAG - STREP SIMTAG - STREP

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 e-Thematic - CA ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy The Concept The Concept

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 e-Thematic - CA ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhyPartners Buck Consultants International (Coordinator) Buck Consultants International (Coordinator) ERTICO – ITS Europe ERTICO – ITS Europe Members Allagraf, UK, British International Freight Association, UK, Brunel University, UK, European Car Transport Group of Interest, Belgium, European Federation of Inland Ports, Belgium, ILiM, Poland, SCOR Training Center, The Netherlands, ShipServ Ltd, UK, Thomas Miller & Co Ltd, UK, WebHouse, Denmark

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 eScope - SSA ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Dissemination 2 Year duration EUR budget 100% funding

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 eScope - SSA ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Partners Advisors and Observers Monitor the progress of eScope Guide the work to secure consistency and assure that the project is in line with the needs of the eSafety stakeholders Panel of EU Member State representatives, invited to report on eSafety activities

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 SIMTAG - STREP ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Scope Scope SIMTAG – aims to improve safety and security of intermodal freight transportation:..knowing where things should be and what condition they should be in; and knowing where things are and what condition they are in..

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 SIMTAG - STREP ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Partners Partners 2 Years - January 2003 – December 2004 Budget EUR 50% funding

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 Example of an IP proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Global System for Telematics – GST Global System for Telematics – GST

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - IP ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Need of a common architecture and standardised interfaces   Key to mass market instead of fragmented market   Key to free competition leading to high quality and choice for low process


Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - IP ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy 50 Partners 380 pages proposal Table of Contents Terminology References Figures Tables Vision Proposal

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy 1 Project summary 1 Project summary 1.1 Proposal full title 1.1 Proposal full title 1.2 Proposal acronym 1.2 Proposal acronym 1.3 Strategic objectives addressed 1.3 Strategic objectives addressed 1.4 Proposal abstract 1.4 Proposal abstract

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy GST addresses IST Strategic Objective 10 “eSafety of road and air transport”. GST addresses IST Strategic Objective 10 “eSafety of road and air transport”. GST has also important links to IST Strategic Objectives 4 to 6: GST has also important links to IST Strategic Objectives 4 to 6: -Mobile and Wireless Systems Beyond 3G -Towards a global dependability and security framework -Multimodal interfaces.

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy 2 Project objectives 2 Project objectives 2.1 An open market for on-line services 2.1 An open market for on-line services 2.2 Enabling safety services reducing the number of fatal accidents 2.2 Enabling safety services reducing the number of fatal accidents 2.3 Objectives for the GST sub-projects 2.3 Objectives for the GST sub-projects 2.4 How the sub-project objectives interlink 2.4 How the sub-project objectives interlink 3 Participant list 3 Participant list

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Open Systems objectives (OS sub-project) Certification objectives (CERTECS sub-project) Payment objectives (S-PAY sub-project) Security objectives (SEC sub-project) Rescue objectives (RSQ sub-project) Extended Floating Car Data objectives (EFCD sub-project) Safety Channel objectives (SAF-CHAN sub-project) Sub-projects:

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhyPartners:

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy 4 Relevance to the objectives of the specific programme and/or thematic priority 4 Relevance to the objectives of the specific programme and/or thematic priority 4.1 Contributions and links to IST scientific and technical objectives 4.1 Contributions and links to IST scientific and technical objectives 4.2 Contribution to IST wider societal and policy objectives 4.2 Contribution to IST wider societal and policy objectives 4.3 Advancing the state-of-the-art 4.3 Advancing the state-of-the-art 4.4 Conclusion 4.4 Conclusion

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Benefits of GST

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy 5Potential impact 5Potential impact 5.1Re-inforcing competitiveness 5.1Re-inforcing competitiveness 5.2Societal impact 5.2Societal impact 5.3Innovation 5.3Innovation 5.4Exploitation and dissemination plans 5.4Exploitation and dissemination plans 5.5Added-value of carrying out the work at the European level 5.5Added-value of carrying out the work at the European level 5.6National and international research activities 5.6National and international research activities 5.7Contributions to standards 5.7Contributions to standards 5.8Contribution to policy developments 5.8Contribution to policy developments 5.9Risk assessment 5.9Risk assessment

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy 6Outline implementation plan 6Outline implementation plan 6.A Activities 6.A Activities 6.1Introduction 6.1Introduction 6.2Research, technological development and innovation 6.2Research, technological development and innovation 6.3Demonstration 6.3Demonstration 6.4Training 6.4Training 6.5Consortium management 6.5Consortium management 6.B Plans 6.B Plans 6.6GST Quality handbook 6.6GST Quality handbook 6.7GST Gender action plan 6.7GST Gender action plan 6.8GST Risk management plan 6.8GST Risk management plan 6.9GST Collaboration plan 6.9GST Collaboration plan 6.10GST Validation plan 6.10GST Validation plan 6.11GST Communication plan 6.11GST Communication plan 6.C Milestones 6.C Milestones 6.12Major milestones during project lifetime 6.12Major milestones during project lifetime

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy 7 Project management 7 Project management 7.1 Matrix organisation 7.1 Matrix organisation 7.2 Management entities 7.2 Management entities 7.3 Special role of the Open Systems sub- project 7.3 Special role of the Open Systems sub- project 7.4 Collaboration in practice 7.4 Collaboration in practice 7.5 Link to EUCAR’s Integrated Safety Programme 7.5 Link to EUCAR’s Integrated Safety Programme

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy 8Detailed implementation plan 8Detailed implementation plan 8.1Introduction 8.1Introduction 8.2Common deliverables and tasks across sub-projects 8.2Common deliverables and tasks across sub-projects 8.3IP Management and support 8.3IP Management and support 8.4Certification sub-project (CERTECS – Certification of Telematics Components & Services) 8.4Certification sub-project (CERTECS – Certification of Telematics Components & Services) 8.5Enhanced Floating Car Data sub-project (EFCD) 8.5Enhanced Floating Car Data sub-project (EFCD) 8.6Security sub-project (SEC) 8.6Security sub-project (SEC) 8.7Open Systems sub-project (OS) 8.7Open Systems sub-project (OS) 8.8Rescue sub-project (RSQ) 8.8Rescue sub-project (RSQ) 8.9Safety Channel sub-project (SAF-CHAN) 8.9Safety Channel sub-project (SAF-CHAN) 8.10Service Payment sub-project (S-PAY) 8.10Service Payment sub-project (S-PAY)

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy 9 Project resources and budget overview 9 Project resources and budget overview 9.1 Overall budget 9.1 Overall budget 9.2 Budget first 18 months 9.2 Budget first 18 months 9.3 Management description of resources 9.3 Management description of resources 10 Ethical issues 10 Ethical issues 11 Other issues 11 Other issues

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy Appendix A – Consortium description Appendix A – Consortium description A.1 Participants and consortium A.1 Participants and consortium A.2 Sub-contracting and other special cost items A.2 Sub-contracting and other special cost items A.3 Third parties A.3 Third parties A.4 Competitive calls A.4 Competitive calls New partners New partners A.5 Funding of third country participants A.5 Funding of third country participants

Bratislava – 28 January 2005 GST - Proposal ERTICOHowIf successfulSome examplesWhy

Good luck with your proposal….. Jacob Bangsgaard Head of International Cooperation ERTICO – ITS Europe Bratislava – 28 January 2005