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SpacecraftE.M. Spectrum Florida and Space Satellites Sci-Fi Spacecraft (just for fun) 100 Space Junk
Name 2 different types of human piloted spacecraft. A 100
Space Shuttle, Apollo, Mercury, Gemini, Soyuz A 100
Explain what a space probe is and what it is used for. A 200
A probe is a craft of instruments sent to observe the properties of another object in space. A 200
The Mars rover is an example of what type of spacecraft? A 300
Give 3 reasons why we send robotic probes to explore space rather than humans. A 400
1.Robots do not need food, water and air. 2.Robots do not need sleep 3.Robots do not need to be entertained and do not get bored or lonely. 4.Robots do not need a return trip home 5.Robots are cheaper 6.Human are not at risk of dying
How are the Saturn V Apollo rockets different than the Space Transport System (Space Shuttle)? A 500
Apollo/ Saturn V 3 astronauts Can go to the moon Little space inside 4 stages faster A 500 STS / Space Shuttle 7 astronauts Can’t go to the moon More space inside 2 stages Can haul large payload into orbit
B 100 What is EM radiation?
Electromagnetic Radiation B 100
B 200 What type of EM radiation is used to send TV signals?
Radio waves B 200
B 300 Radiation is the transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves. Some types of electromagnetic waves emit more radiation or give off more energy. What determines the amount of energy that an electromagnetic wave emits?
The wavelength B 300
B 400 What type of tool is used to observe radio waves from a distant star or galaxy?
A Radio Telescope B 400
B 500 Put the following types of EM Waves in order from longest to shortest wavelength: Infrared light Gamma Ray Visible light Radio wave Microwave X-rays Ultraviolet light Bonus (100 points): Which one has the most energy?
B 500
C 100 What does NASA stand for?
National Air and Space Administration C 100
What 2 areas does the US government spend the most on? How much of the budget was spent on NASA? C 200
Social Security and Military = 37.6% NASA = 0.6% C 200
Describe a SPINOFF? C 300
Any product that uses NASA technology for public benefit is called a spinoff.
How does the space industry affect Florida’s economy? C 400
Provides jobs for 1000’s of Floridians C 400
C 500 If you know how far a planet is from the sun what else can you calculate?
The time it takes to revolve around the sun. C 500
What part of the EM spectrum would a satellite use to observe cloud cover? D 100
Visible Light D 100
What part of the EM spectrum would a satellite use to observe sea-surface temperatures? D 200
Infrared Light
D 300 Where were the instruments aboard research satellites aimed when they observed massive solar flares?
D 300 At the SUN!
Why are satellites useful for communication? D 400
They can reach a wider area than land based communication methods. D 400
What part of the EM spectrum would a satellite use to observe the density of vegetation (plant life) on Earth? D 500
A combination of visible and infrared light. D 500 A combination of visible and infrared light.
E 100 Name this spacecraft and the movie it is from?
Millenium Falcon Star Wars Bonus: What is an exploding star called? E 100
E 200 Name this spacecraft and the movie it is from? If Capt. Kirk orbits closer to the planet how will his speed change?
Enterprise Star Trek He will orbit FASTER E 200
E 300 Name this spacecraft and the movie or show it is from?
E 300 Planet Express Futurama
E 400 Name this spacecraft and the movie it is from?
E 400 The TARDIS Doctor Who Bonus 200 points: What does TARDIS stand for?
E 500 Name this spacecraft and the movie it is from?
Serenity Firefly E 500
F 100 Name the gas giant planets. What planet is a gas giant and has a red “spot”?
Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter F 100
F 200 What planet is so hot and has a thick atmosphere of CO 2 that would crush you?
F 200 Venus
F 300 What makes stars shine?
F 300 Hydrogen fuses under extreme heat and pressure to create helium, heat, light and radiation.
F 400 What 3 things determine a star’s brightness?
F 400 Size Distance Temperature
F 500 What is the difference between a light year and an A.U.?
F 500 L.Y. = distance light travels in a year A.U. = distance from the Earth to the Sun.
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Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game By D. Schulman Schulman Labs Pioneer Middle 2011