Brain Friendly Teaching
Aims of the session Why are we using Kagan at Holden Clough? What are 'The Six Principles of Brain- Friendly Teaching'? Kagan at Holden Clough Primary
6 Principles of Brain- Friendly Teaching
Attention The Attention Signal 1. Hand up 2. Others follow (in 5 seconds) 3. Other ensure everyone has followed 3. Other ensure
The Science behind it Putting your hand up creates a novel stimuli in the environment and causes a response. This in turn makes the pupils alert and creates better retention. 2. By putting your hand up there is a shift from the temporal lobe in the brain to the premotor and motor cortex. This creates a shift in intelligence and makes you more alert and ready to learn. 3. Mirror Neurons - If you see alert faces you become alert and therefore retain more. Attention
Ways to apply Mirror Neuron research In giving directions - teacher or student models. In managing emotion - stay calm. In motivating students - showing excitement about content. In managing attention - The attention signal.
1. Think time: Think about the teacher's question. 2. Take turns sharing your ideas with your teammates.
Safety The Amygdala Where is it?
When does it fire? It is always processing. Both sides are threat sensors. Left = tone of voice. Right = facial expressions When do the Amygdala fire most? Stranger, other race, fearful face, angry face, not in normal group.
What happens when it fires? It inhibits the prefrontal cortex = this narrows thinking and perceptions. Chemical reactions = Releases stress hormones
Fight or flight defence alarm reactions Optic nerve -> Amygdala -> sends down spin to kidneys -> gives off adrenalin -> sends messages to lungs -> breathe in more Oxygen-> body alert -> fight or flight
Ways to put the Amygdala to rest Team Building and Class Building Signals to slow down/understanding Questions *Parking Lot = think pads on tables/ team questions Quiet reflection Humour Silly Sports and Goofy Games Social Interaction Kagan Structures
1. Think time: Think about the teacher's question. 2. Take turns with your partner. Share 1 idea per turn.
Nourishment Increases Oxygen and Glucose levels Novelty Intelligence shift Tuning the brain - response and emotions Safety Releases dopamine Movement - Nourishment - Retention
1. Wait for the teacher to say "Go". 2. Stand up, put a hand up, and high five to pair up with a partner. 3. Think time: Think about the teacher's question. 4. Take turns sharing your answer with your partner.
Social Interaction Social Interaction = Engagement = Retention ReadingDecoding Encoding Explain ing
Travelling Heads Together Teacher presents a problem and gives think time. Students privately write their answers. Students stand up and put their heads together to share answers. Students sit down when everyone knows the answer. Teacher calls number. Student of that number travels to a new group and shares answer.
Emotional Anything followed by an emotion is better remembered. Emotion is a signal to the Hippocampus Praise Greetings Parties Celebrations Handshakes
Children create posters for praise or special handshakes in Kagan groups.
Information Processing The brain seeks four things:- Novelty - content of lesson Predictability - structures Feedback Meaning Monotony Bored Balance Relax/Alert Chaos Anxious
Frequent processing More energy for new Learners Clarify and refine thinking Store in long term memory Clear working memory Engage multiple intelligences and multiple memory systems
Frequent Processing The brain can only hold 10 items in the short term memory - Structures help clear the short term memory. To move something from the short term memory to long term memory you have to process it. - verbalising/moving = retention. The brain lays down episodes - beginning, middle and end = structures can be the episodes in learning.
Sage n Scribe
Kagan at Holden Clough PowerPoint with over 30 structures to use in class. Chunk lessons using the structures to help children retain information (episodes) Attention signal not the quiet signal. Kagan highlighted on planning. Develop the social element within structures. SAM's (Structure a month) to help develop a range of structures being used.