Competitiveness of SMEs through Innovation and Collaborative Entrepreneurship: the iCON project Alpe Adria Audiovisual: the AAA Cluster Friday, 4 th July a.m. to p.m. At Lanthieri Palace Glavni trg 8, Vipava (SI)
iCON: Competitiveness of SMEs through Innovation and Collaborative Entrepreneurship There is a great potential for audiovisual clustering in the cross-border dimension of Slovenia and FVG region! Origin of AAA Cluster: the companies of Club dell’Audiovisivo of Confartigianato Imprese FVG & FRA FVG advice Common understanding for CB AV clustering with the SFC as the Slovene institutional partner: companies meeting in Ljubljana on April 10 th, 2013; Kick-off Meeting in Divaca (SI) on June 14 th, 2013; Letter of Intent finalized and signed by 19 companies; a cluster management structure set up (Udine & Ljubljana); the AAA Cluster website issued by January 2014.
iCON: Competitiveness of SMEs through Innovation and Collaborative Entrepreneurship Mid-term Action Plan agreed in Udine on July 4 th, 2013; AAA Cluster trilingual website high visibility on the internet ( New members of the clusters signing the Letter of Intent; Study on the AV CB distribution system delivered; Covenant on “eco-movie” for the reduction of AV environmental impact under finalization. Bringing together interested entrepreneurs for the sake of their ownership of the AAA Cluster as the final outcome.
iCON: Competitiveness of SMEs through Innovation and Collaborative Entrepreneurship The EU new programming 2014 – 2020: domestic opportunities The finalization of the new programmes of the Cohesion Policy is going on in Slovenia as well as in FVG Region! The partnership based programming allows the proactive generation of project proposals from the audiovisual sector matching many guidelines of EU 2020 for smart – inclusive – sustainable growth. Clusters specific analysis is needed: cross-border comparison and shared approaches are strength factors
iCON: Competitiveness of SMEs through Innovation and Collaborative Entrepreneurship The Italy – Slovenia CBC programme 2014 – 2020 The cultural dimension of the cross-border relationship between Italy and Slovenia remains weak and slow all processes of economic and social integration. To strengthen the production and the circulation of audiovisual products featured as documentaries but also as movies on co- production basis for the wider market; To leverage on the quality of AV products and services for the upgrading of the promotional / educational communication of the business sectors;and for the support of further innovative solutions in the AV technology. These are goals substantially matching a number of Thematic Objectives of the new CBC programme!
iCON: Competitiveness of SMEs through Innovation and Collaborative Entrepreneurship The role of the audiovisual industry AV is a cultural productive sector highly relevant for the CBC programme Italy – Slovenia 2014 – AV facilitates the cultural exchange and reciprocal knowledge among the citizens AV promotes and support the territorial marketing of the cross-border region by attracting external productions of cinema & TV works AV is a booster of technological innovation in particular for the digital economy.
iCON: Competitiveness of SMEs through Innovation and Collaborative Entrepreneurship A measure for the Audiovisual Industry in the new Italy – Slovenia CBC programme 2014 – 2020 Target groups of this measure would be: Audiovisual companies and their associations / NGOs / networks; Public and private bodies dealing with AV sector support, also for its international promotion; Research and innovation centres focused on AV technology upgrading and implementation.
iCON: Competitiveness of SMEs through Innovation and Collaborative Entrepreneurship Additional domestic opportunities within the ESIF new programmes 2014 – 2020 Improving the communication strategy of all EU programmes through the exploitation of the technological opportunities and professional skills of the audiovisual sector for enhancing the awareness of the public about the role of Europe and the results achieved on the field. This is a matter of the partnership based programming!
iCON: Competitiveness of SMEs through Innovation and Collaborative Entrepreneurship Thank you for your confidence ! Contacts Rachele Francescutti – Cluster Manager Sanja Struna – Deputy Cluster Manager Dario Gigante - Deputy Cluster Manager Ugo Poli – Team Leader iCON Confartigianato Projekt iCON sofinanciran v okviru Programa čezmejnega sodelovanja Slovenija-Italija iz sredstev Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj in nacionalnih sredstev. Progetto iCON finanziato nell'ambito del Programma per la Cooperazione Transfrontaliera Italia-Slovenia , dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale e dai fondi nazionali. Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze