Fossil fuels Fuels that come from the ground Burning them produces energy to heat our homes, run our cars, and produce energy to run factories Examples-


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Presentation transcript:

Fossil fuels Fuels that come from the ground Burning them produces energy to heat our homes, run our cars, and produce energy to run factories Examples- Oil, Gas and Coal

Burn Fossil Fuels Produces Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) (Greenhouse gas) Causes Global Warming Melts the Ice Caps

The Sun’s energy passes through the car’s windshield. This energy (heat) is trapped inside the car and cannot pass back through the windshield, causing the inside of the car to warm up. Example of the Greenhouse Effect

What’s the difference between “global warming” and “climate change”?

Difference GLOBAL WARMING is the increase of the Earth’s average surface temperature due to a build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. CLIMATE CHANGE is a broader term that refers to long-term changes in climate, including average temperature and precipitation.

Effects of Global Warming Increased Temperature Habitat Damage and Species Affected Changes in Water Supply Rising Sea Level

What’s the proof that global warming is taking place?

Portage Glacier Alaska Photos: NOAA Photo Collection and Gary Braasch –

Why is global warming happening?

Burning of Fossil Fuels Pollution from coal, natural gas, and oil

Temperature (Northern Hemisphere) CO 2 Concentrations 1000 Years of CO 2 and Global Warming Degree Celsius Increase Parts Per Million Year

Do Now Explain the steps for logging on for Google Drive. Include your user name and password.

Agenda Do Now Stations 1 – Interactive Station 2 – Powerpoint Station 3 – Article Share Out/Turn and Talk Counter Argument Exit Ticket

Log Onto Google Drive. Password: OSIS # Create a new document, name it 8-9 exit ticket and click ‘share’ add as an to share with. Explain the process of global warming. What are the causes and effects Use vocab words: non-renewable resources, fossil fuel, greenhouse effect, CO2 Use your notes to cite evidence.