Introduction to Nikola Mihaylov, Sep 1,
What is Pixel Shader? a) A fantasy creature: male pixie that likes shades b) Person who likes to cast shadow on computer screens c) Any of the above d) All of the above except this answer e) Not this answer
Pixel Shader Is: A set of software instructions Used to calculate colors of individual pixels on screen Typically executing on the graphics card (Graphics Processing Unit or GPU) Executed very fast on the GPU Primarily used to compute rendering effects Written in shader language, e.g. HLSL – similar to C Can be used for any computation
Demo: Grayscale Effect Shader Inputs: Bitmap to be processed (u,v) location of pixel to be processed ○ (u,v) is used instead of (x,y) to mean that the range of values is from 0 to 1 ○ (u,v) is called “texture coordinates” float DesaturationFactor: specifies how much the bitmap is to be saturated Shader Output: pixel color at specified location
Grayscale Effect Pixel Shader: grayscale.fx sampler2D implicitInput : register(s0); float factor : register(c0); float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR { float4 color = tex2D(implicitInput, uv); float gray = color.r * color.g * color.b *0.11; float4 result; result.r = (color.r - gray) * factor + gray; result.g = (color.g - gray) * factor + gray; result.b = (color.b - gray) * factor + gray; result.a = color.a; return result; } Input bitmap – sampler register s0 Code-behind: ShaderEffect.RegisterPixelShaderSamplerProperty() Input bitmap – sampler register s0 Code-behind: ShaderEffect.RegisterPixelShaderSamplerProperty() Input float in c0 register. Code-behind: PixelShaderConstantCallback(0) Output: R, G, B, A: float4 Color of the pixel at (u,v) Output: R, G, B, A: float4 Color of the pixel at (u,v) Input: (u,v) coordinates of pixel in the bitmap Retrieve pixel color at location (u,v) from bitmap Grayscale code Shader code from
Using Shaders in WPF: Overview 1. Install DirectX SDK 2. Create new WPF app and add.fx file containing the shader code 3. Compile.fx file file. Set the Build Action of file to Resource Add this as pre-build event to VS in Project properties: “c:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2008)\Utilities\bin\x86\fxc" /T ps_2_0 /E main /Fo "$(ProjectDir)" "$(ProjectDir)MyEffect.fx“ 4. Override ShaderEffect class 5. Link WPF properties to shader input arguments in code-behind 6. Apply shader effect in XAML
Using Shaders in WPF: The Easy Way Install DirectX SDK Download and open the Shader template project from Nikola’s site: Start coding your effect in MyEffect.fx Next: connecting WPF and the GPU in C#
GrayscaleEffect Initialization public class GrayscaleEffect : ShaderEffect { private static PixelShader _pixelShader = new PixelShader() { UriSource = new") }; public GrayscaleEffect() { PixelShader = _pixelShader; UpdateShaderValue(InputProperty); UpdateShaderValue(DesaturationFactorProperty); } public class GrayscaleEffect : ShaderEffect { private static PixelShader _pixelShader = new PixelShader() { UriSource = new") }; public GrayscaleEffect() { PixelShader = _pixelShader; UpdateShaderValue(InputProperty); UpdateShaderValue(DesaturationFactorProperty); } Call UpdateShaderValue() to set the default value of the WPF property into the shader registers, since PropertyChangedCallback() is not called when setting default value.
Register Bitmap Texture Input Property public static readonly DependencyProperty InputProperty = ShaderEffect.RegisterPixelShaderSamplerProperty("In put", typeof(GrayscaleEffect), 0); public Brush Input { get { return (Brush)GetValue(InputProperty); } set { SetValue(InputProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty InputProperty = ShaderEffect.RegisterPixelShaderSamplerProperty("In put", typeof(GrayscaleEffect), 0); public Brush Input { get { return (Brush)GetValue(InputProperty); } set { SetValue(InputProperty, value); } } Register the bitmap input property in register s0..fx code: sampler2D implicitInput : register(s0); <- s0
Register Other Shader Input Properties public static readonly DependencyProperty DesaturationFactorProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("DesaturationFactor", typeof(double), typeof(GrayscaleEffect), new UIPropertyMetadata(0.0, PixelShaderConstantCallback(0), CoerceDesaturationFactor)); public double DesaturationFactor { get { return (double)GetValue(DesaturationFactorProperty); } set { SetValue(DesaturationFactorProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty DesaturationFactorProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("DesaturationFactor", typeof(double), typeof(GrayscaleEffect), new UIPropertyMetadata(0.0, PixelShaderConstantCallback(0), CoerceDesaturationFactor)); public double DesaturationFactor { get { return (double)GetValue(DesaturationFactorProperty); } set { SetValue(DesaturationFactorProperty, value); } } Just another WPF DependencyProperty Link to c0 register.fx code: float factor : register(c0);
Use in XAML! <effect:GrayscaleEffect x:Name="grayscaleEffect“ DesaturationFactor="0.7"/> Supports Bindings, Animation and everything that typical WPF property supports!
More Shaders They can scale, twist, rotate, ripple or do anything with the image Full access to texture Customizable inputs Can be used for realistic effects Light, Shadows Water, Fire, Rain Human faces Clouds, Terrains Projectile traces Light auras, Magic spell effects Candles and smoke Physics Many, many more MANY more
Demo: Water Reflection sampler2D input : register(s0); float val0 : register(c0); float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR { float4 color; uv.y = uv.y + sin((uv.y-val0) * 100) * 0.03 * (1-uv.y); color = tex2D(input, uv.xy); return color; } Shader code from:
More Demos: Twirled UI, Lights and Novas Twirl: offsets image a little bit based on cos() and sin(uv+inputValue) Lights: same as RadialGradientBrush, only quadratic – light gets weaker with distance squared Novas: zoom motion blur effect. Mixes colors of 2 points on the same radius but different distance from center of image.
Other Shaders Geometry shader Can generate new primitives (geometry), for example: lines, points, triangles DirectX 10 and above Vertex shader Modifies attributes of existing 3D vertices ○ Color ○ Texture ○ Location ○ Other
Resources DirectX SDK on Writing Shaders on MSDN Writing Shaders on MSDN Pixel shader template project Pixel shader template project NVidia Object FX Composer NVidia Object FX Composer Grayscale Shader Effect on Anders Bursjöö’s blog Grayscale Shader Effect post processing shader tutorial – short samples with preview post processing shader tutorial Wave Reflection Effect on Rakesh Ravuri’s blog Wave Reflection Effect Pixel shader Twirl UI, Lights and Blobs sampleTwirl UI, Lights and Blobs sample Nikola’s blog: and website: