„International Tourism Cluster and crossborder cooperation as an examples of innovation in Eastern Europe” East-Poland Science and Technology Park in Suwalki Brussels, 7th of October 2008
According to the last initiatives of East- Poland Science and Technology Park in Suwalki we would like to present new possibilities of cooperation between Western and Eastern Europe in line with our mission and targets.
New Mission of Park in Suwalki EastWest PARK Innovative and economic missions International Cluster International certyfying goods and services Crossborder IT platform
New Mission of Park in Suwalki 1.Organisation of economic missions and innovative exhibition together with international entrepreneurs, associations and companies which support innovations. In Eastern Europe: Belarus, Ukraine, Russian Federation, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia In Poland In Western Europe: Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg 2. Organisation of innovative industry actions. Crossborder IT initiatives International certifying of goods and services International Tourism Cluster 3. Setting up the cooperation with entrepreneurs from high technology branch of industry which are interested in east market by bussines tourism.
International Tourism Cluster Tourism Companies Park PNTPW Umbrella’s Projects On 23rd of October 2007 as an initiative of Park in Suwalki the International Innovative Tourism Cluster “European Cristal” was created. The aim of the project is to use innovation in the processes of economy connected with tourism development in the region and Eastern Europe.
Tourism Manufacturers Media Tourism UnitsNGO’s R&D Units SPA, Health Tourism Universities, Since Institutes Local and Regional authorities Agriculture Farms Entrepreneurs supporting tourism services Governmental structures High Technology Companies Networks of Cooperation International Innovative Tourism Cluster European Cristal
COOPERATIONCOMMON INTERESTCOMPETITION PROMOTION Informal structure which require signed agreement of cooperation and acceptance of the cluster rules. International Tourism Cluster as a form of cooperation of tourism companies in order to increase the innovative potential of the tourism offer. Commmon IT platform Networks of Cooperation
Crossborder IT Platform Biatel Member of consortium PARK Poland and Eastern Europe; Companies Tourism sector Commercial sector Universities and Centres of Innovation National and Local Government State and Regional institutions NGO’S PLANNING + SERVICE = JOINT EFFECTS Systems and comprehensive IT Platform for Poland and East Europe
0 Strategic Targets of the International Innovative Tourism Cluster The atmosphere of trust and cooperation in creating tourism offer Gaining service market in the Eastern Europe Sharing the information, supporting the innovation in tourism sector Trainings Cooperation with Universities and R&D units Common marketing and promotion strategy Common business arrangements (exhibitions, fares, tourism market) Funds and grants for Cluster development Human resources as a factor of growth of productivity and tourism activity
Strenghts of International Innovative Tourism Cluster - European Cristal Favourable location in the middle of continent and traffic corridors Cluster partners situated in EU market Cultural and environmental potential of Eastern Europe as a dominant factors of attractiveness of the region among Cluster members and rest of Europe
Focus on defined territory (North-East Poland, Lithuania, Belarus) Affiliation to the same branch of services (SPA and tourism movement) Cooperation and competition between members of Cluster (material – product – supply – delivery – offer – broking – services) Strenghts of International Innovative Tourism Cluster - European Cristal
Manufacture/trading companies dealing with Bio food and supplying tourism sector Contactors of ecological agriculture products Contractors of natural groceries products Manufacturers Agriculture Farms Contractors of certifying and research services Business support organizations Who can join the Cluster?
Local government Universities, R&D Units Tourism development organizations Media connected with tourism and regional development Regional communities interested in tourism development Who can join the Cluster?
CLUSTER – expectations and perspective To estimate that single entrepreneur very often is dealing with overwhelming problems we believe that the East Poland Since and Technology Park in Suwalki is able to find the best solutions and best possibilities which are coming to us from European Union for the common good.
Thank you for your attenion Contact details: Poland-East Science and Technology Park ul. Noniewicza 10 pok Suwałki tel.: +48 (87) fax: +48 (87)