Government Help for the Elderly Central zState Pension zPension Credits zWinter Fuel Allowance zIncome Support zNHS »GP visits »free prescriptions »prescription deliveryLocal zHousing benefit zConcessions zCouncil Tax reduction zprovide Community Care »GP visits »Home Helps »Meals on wheels
Private Companies zProvide private pensions zbuild and run Sheltered Housing and Care Homes zprovide Home Helps
Sheltered Housing zKeeps independence zprovides security with the warden zresidents have company in the lounge area entertainment is often provided for the residents zdesigned to meet mobility needs
Care Homes (residential and nursing) zprovides security with 24 hour care zresidents have company in the lounge area zentertainment is often provided for the residents zmedical needs met in nursing homes zdesigned to meet mobility needs
Paying for Care To decide who pays for housing, the elderly are means tested. This means only the poorest receive help in paying for their care - others must pay themselves. The elderly in Scotland do not have to pay towards the cost of their care in Care Homes, they must only pay for their accommodation - in England they have to pay for both.
Medical Needs zrequire longer recovery time in hospital zprescriptions are free, so they are more likely to use them zmore likely to suffer from cancer, heart disease etc
New Technology In the home zstair lifts allow improved access zinternet can be used for home shopping zmovement/voice activated lights etc. zbath hoistsMedical zhip replacement operations improve quality of life zcancer treatment prolongs life zheart by-pass operations prolong life zcataract operations improve vision
Economic Inequality Some rely on State Pension and Pension Credits. Others have access to: zoccupational pension zprivate pension zstakeholder pension zsavings
Social Inequality zSome elderly live alone, while others live with partners (company) zsome have better health than others (mobility) zsome have planned activities for retirement (entertainment)