Novel teams Mrs. Kelly Brown The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
What do we do each day? 1. Everyone gets a book and opens to the correct chapter 2. Look at the board and see what your job is for the day 3. Listen to the chapter and think about your job 4. At the end of the chapter, your captain will get your group’s folder and you will get up and go to your meeting place 5. Review your score from the day before 6. Get started on your 5 jobs for today’s chapter =) 7. Turn your folder into Mrs. Brown and go back to your seats for discussion time
Question Person: 1.Get out a piece of paper (before the chapter starts) 2.Write an on-the-surface question (leave space for the answer) 3.Write an under-the-surface question Let’s look at the sample paper together=)
Prediction Person: 1.Get the paper from your question person 2. Talk to the group and write out a prediction for what might happen in the next chapter 3. Write out the specific evidence from the chapter (what happened in the chapter that made you believe that your predication is valid) Let’s look at the sample=)
Literary Luminary: 1. Your job is to find a quote from the chapter that really tells us about the purpose of this chapter. What does the author want us to learn about the characters or the plot? 2. Work with you group and read the quote together. 3. Have a group discussion about why this quote is important to understanding this chapter.
Summary: 1.Turn to the first page of the chapter so you can look back to the book for ideas 2. Give a 2-3 minute oral summary of the chapter. You need to describe the important events in sequential order.
Editor: 1.Take the group’s paper and make sure you have the correct format, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your group will lose points for each error in your writing or format 2. Give your paper to your captain and your captain needs to place your paper in your folder and turn it to Mrs. Brown