HALL OF HEROES A new museum is being opened. It is being dedicated to five heroes who have changed the world. You and your classmates have been selected to decide which five people will be inducted into The Hall of Heroes. Each person will choose one hero to nominate. Discuss your choice with your group and explain why you chose that person. Each group will vote to choose one hero from the nominees in your group. Keep voting until you reach a consensus (that means everyone agrees).
REFLECTION 1.What were some of the different qualifications used to justify your nominees? 2.Is there a quality every nominee has in common? 3.Who are the heroes of your society? How do you tell? Explain. 4.Are heroes born or made? Defend your answer.
QUICK QUIZ!!!! Take out a pencil
THE MONO-MYTH Or the hero’s journey whichever you prefer
The Mono-myth (aka. hero's journey) is an ancient story pattern that can be found in texts from thousands of years ago or in newly released Hollywood blockbusters. WHAT IS THE MONO-MYTH?
1.Ordinary World - The hero's normal world before the story begins 2.Call to Adventure - The hero is presented with a problem, challenge or adventure 3.Refusal of the Call - The hero refuses the challenge or journey, usually because he's scared 4. Meeting with the Mentor - The hero meets a mentor to gain advice or training for the adventure 5. Crossing the First Threshold - The hero crosses leaves the ordinary world and goes into the special world 6. Tests, Allies, Enemies - The hero faces tests, meets allies, confronts enemies & learn the rules of the Special World.
7. Approach - The hero has hit setbacks during tests & may need to try a new idea 8. Ordeal - The biggest life or death crisis 9. Reward - The hero has survived death, overcomes his fear and now earns the reward 10. The Road Back - The hero must return to the Ordinary World. 11. Resurrection Hero - another test where the hero faces death – he has to use everything he's learned 12. Return with Elixir - The hero returns from the journey with the “elixir”, and uses it to help everyone in the Ordinary World
DISCOVER A MONO-MYTH interactives/hero-journey html Students will use the website above to create an outline of the hero’s journey of a media source (movie, book, or comic) of their choice.
OUTCOMES 5.1 Independently access and select specific information to meet personal and learning needs – select, from a wide range, sources appropriate to their purposes 8.2 Use note-making to reconstruct knowledge and select effective strategies appropriate to the task
Students will create an adventure that follows the Mono-myth pattern. It will include a hero or heroine and their hero’s journey through a special world. Students will be assigned small projects that will be completed and handed in throughout the project. As a final product, the students will create a graphic novel story board of their epic. AN EPIC TALE Mono-Myth Unit Project
DETAILS Students will be placed in groups of three. The group will decide on the details of the story (hero, special world, villain) and how to illustrate the story board. Joseph Campbell’s Mono-Myth will be the framework for the story’s details.
STEP 1 – THE CHARACTERS Students will discuss the qualities and traits that their characters should possess. Student will then create a hero, a villain and a mentor that will be used in their tale. Each member of the group will hand in a character sheet for one of these three characters.
BORING VS. INTERESTING Boring Character: Luna lives in Philadelphia. Interesting Character: 15-year-old Luna just moved from her childhood home in California to Philadelphia. She is having a really hard time making friends at school. Her strange name and the beat-up, psychedelic-coloured van her dad drives her to school in every morning have not made it easy on her.
3 TYPES OF CHARACTERS The Protagonist (HERO) - is the character with the starring role in your book. In most novels, the protagonist is on a journey to get what he or she wants more than anything else in the world. The Supporting Characters (MENTOR) - are characters who help the protagonist achieve his or her goal. The Antagonist (VILLAIN) - is the character in a novel that is standing in the way of the protagonist achieving his or her goal.
STEP 2 – PLOT OUTLINE The students will use the mono-myth template to create an outline of the plot of their story. The outline is intensive and will guide the students with questions that will help them create their hero’s journey. One outline will be handed in for each group.
P.O.V. and SETTING Each student will create a short paragraph describing a setting (a Village, a Castle, Dark Forest) from a CHARACTER’S Point Of View. The hero will see the world differently than the villain would. This is to be written in your character’s voice. (Take time to imagine how your character speaks; not just loud and in English but the words they would choose and how they build their sentences.
STEP 3 – LAYOUT Students will create a layout for their graphic novel. A layout will be constructed with two parts for each panel. 1)Script – The words that will appear in panels. 2)Image – A brief explanation of the image inside the panels. The layout should contain at least 30 panels. Each step of the hero’s journey must be represented.
Boy (in the foreground) sits at desk writing, with a girl(in the background) little heart in between LAYOUT EXAMPLE Text Image Description Once, I had a crush on a girl.
STEP 4 – GRAPHIC NOVEL Students will use the common conventions of a graphic novel to construct a final draft of one of their scenes from their graphic novel. The scene should be at least 10 panels. The conventions that should be present are fonts, bubbles, transitions and perspective. (not artistic talent) The scenes will be collected on Monday 21 st
CONVENTIONS Fonts Punctuation Bubbles Transitions Perspectives
OUTCOMES ASSESSED Make informed choices of language to create a range of interesting effects in imaginative writing and other ways of representing Demonstrate facility in using a variety of forms of writing to create texts for specific purposes and represent their ideas in visual arts to achieve their purposes
Final Product EXAMPLE