How we do things in our classroom… Classroom Procedures How we do things in our classroom…
How I will get your attention… I will clap out a rhythm, and you will repeat it. Like this… When I start clapping, that means you Stop. Turn your face to me. Listen and be ready for instructions.
First thing in the morning… Go straight to the cafeteria if you would like to eat breakfast. We don’t eat lunch until 12:35, so please eat breakfast daily either at home or at school. As you exit the line, you will be directed to an empty table to eat your breakfast. Be neat and respectful – clean up your mess!
After breakfast… As you finish breakfast, or if you choose to not eat breakfast at school, you will be seated in the bleachers of the gym until I arrive to take you to class. Our class will ALWAYS sit together on the bottom 3 rows in the 5th grade section of the bleachers. Please enter and exit the bleachers using the steps. Never walk on the bleachers. Sit in the bleachers. You may talk to your neighbors, but please do not scream! There are nearly 500 students that will sitting around you and that can be very noisy!!
Leaving the gym… You are to stay seated in the gym until I come to get you. When you see me raise my hand, the first row of students will walk to the steps and come to me to line up. When the first row is clear, the second row will walk to the steps and walk to the line. The third row will follow in the same fashion. Do NOT walk down the bleachers! Do NOT run!
When you come into the classroom… Unpack your backpack with all the necessary things you may need during the day. Place your backpack/jacket/lunchbox in your cubby. If you have any “information” such as money, bus notes, or absence excuses, place it in the information basket on my desk. Homework will go in the black tray. Go to your seat quietly and open your Agenda to be checked for parent signature/notes. Start on your morning work.
Lining up in the classroom… I will call tables to line up one at a time. When your table is called, stand up, push in your chair and walk to the line. DO NOT run to the line! Line up on the first white blocks, one behind the other. This should be done silently! Your hands should be at your sides, in your pockets, or behind your back – wherever is most comfortable for you that will keep your hands to yourself.
Walking in the hallway… Walk in a single file line (one behind the other). Your hands should be to your sides, in your pockets or behind your back. No hands on the walls or on other students! You should always be silent! The first person in line will stop at certain places in the hall. I will tell that student where to stop.
Going to activity… Follow the rules of lining up and walking in the hall. Be on your best behavior! Listen to the teacher! Stay in your seat! Raise your hand and wait to be called on! Our Activity rotation is: Day 1 – Art Day 2 – PE Day 3 – Technology
Eating in the cafeteria… Walk through the line. Remember to be courteous. Walk to our table and sit down. Stay in your seat! If you need something, raise your hand and wait to be called on! Keep your hands to yourself. Never touch someone else’s food or tray! Do not share food! We walk through Line B and sit at Table 3.
Leaving the cafeteria… When you are asked, walk to the garbage cans to empty your tray. Place your tray in the window. Do not toss it in! Walk around the tables and make a line. Your voice should be off and your hands should be in the right place!
Recess… Play safely! Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Do not walk in front of, behind, or beneath the swings when others are swinging. Do not pick up, throw or dig in the mulch. Do not run up the slide.
Talking in the room… Sometimes you will work by yourself, sometimes with a partner, and sometimes with a group. By yourself – Voice Level 0 No talking! With a partner – Voice Level 1 Whisper! With a group – Voice Level 1 or 2 Whisper or talk quietly! We NEVER yell or talk too loudly in the classroom.
During centers… Remember that you must be at a Voice Level 1 or 2. Follow these guidelines…
Questions during centers… If you have a question about your center work, ask your group members. If I am working with a group, you should only come ask me if No one in the group can answer your question. There is an emergency. It is everyone’s responsibility to work actively with their group. If I find that someone is not working/goofing off, that person will be given a warning. If the problem continues, that person will receive a light change.
Restroom or other needs… If you need to go to the restroom during class, raise your hand and wait to be called on. We talk bathroom breaks during the day, so you should only ask if it is an emergency. If you need to sharpen your pencil during independent or group work time, you may quietly get up and use the pencil sharpener. There should only be ONE student at the sharpener at a time. If your pencil breaks while I am talking, raise your hand and wait to be called on. If you need a tissue at any point during the day, you may quietly get up and get one. Do not distract others while doing this.
Things to tell me immediately… If there is an emergency, tell me immediately! An emergency is one of the “Four B’s” Bullying Bad language Bathroom (a bathroom emergency or if you feel like you are about to be sick) Broken bones
Conflict… I do want to know immediately if someone is being bullied or someone is using inappropriate language. You can work out some of your problems on your own. Remember, all friends fight from time to time. Try to talk to your friend about how you’re feeling, take some time apart to cool down, or apologize! If there is ever an issue you can’t resolve on your own, I will help you.
When to immediately get quiet… If the phone rings… If a visitor comes in… When an announcement comes on… If we have an emergency drill… If we are watching a video… During all these times, there is NO TALKING!
Dismissal… At the end of the day, Mark your light color in your agenda book. Copy in any homework or daily activities into your agenda. Raise your hand when you have this finished. I will come check it and okay you to go to your cubby and pack your things. Take out your SSR book and begin reading. When your bell is called, you will stack your chair and line up.
Emergency drills… Throughout the year, we will have many practice emergency drills. During each drill, you need to behave as if it is the real thing. We all need to be prepared if anything were to happen. Take these seriously and be on your best behavior! Let’s practice these drills…
Do you have any questions? It’s going to be a great year!!!