Provision II (No Charge) Grab and Go Breakfast Best Practices
Prepare breakfast items according to recipe instructions available in
Print production record and fill out the amount prepared for all items BEFORE meal service.
Prepare a clipboard with a meal count form and clicker for each cart.
Count out breakfast entrées into large clear lexans. Stack the entrées in an organized fashion. Count out juice and milk. Arrange the juice and milk into clear ribbed bowls. Notice 2 bowls for juice
Provide a separate table or cart with utensils, napkins and a No Thank You area. Post a sign to mark the No Thank You area..
Stand here with clicker Suggested Breakfast Set Up EntréeMilk Juice Utensils & Napkins No Thank You Back up juice and milk should be stored under the cart in ribbed bowls (not in cardboard boxes) ready to go!
Carefully watch the students as they pass by the cart and collect their breakfast items. “Click” for every student who takes a reimbursable breakfast. What is a reimbursable breakfast ? 4 Food groups must be offered Students must choose at least 3 Entrée (2) + milk (1) = 3 Entrée (2) + juice (1) = 3 Entrée (2) + milk (1) + juice (1) = 4 At every cart you must post this sign What is a Complete Breakfast? The 3 out of 4 Rule
Circle the number that appears on your clicker. Record the number of student meals separately from adult, earned, and sibling meals.
Fill out the production record completely. For sites that have more than one cart combine the totals from all clickers. This number is the actual number of meals served and is recorded at the top of the production record.
Enter the number of breakfasts served into WebSMARTT under Bulk Entry. From the top of your production record. Adult, earned adult, and sibling meals are recorded separately.