1.What is the purpose of a comma? 2. If you could be any Disney/Pixar character, who would it be and why? Explain in at least 3-4 sentences! In your writing, use commas.
1.When do you use commas? 2.Free-write demonstrating of as many uses of the comma as you can think of.
Cornell Notes 0jhMhttps:// 0jhM
Objective and Homework You will demonstrate understanding of comma rules 1-4 by correctly identifying comma placement in sample sentences. PURPOSE: using commas properly will help create clarity in your writing and also help you to avoid OVERUSING commas (Improve Conventions score) Write 2 example sentences for comma rules 1-4.
The Real reason to learn commas… The world is a scary place without them…
Avoid skin and face when spraying.
Avoid skin, and face when spraying.
The North American Panda eats shoots and leaves.
The North American Panda eats, shoots, and leaves.
Let’s eat, grandma!
Let’s eat grandma!
Correct I like to run, and I hate to swim. We could go to the mall, or we could go to the store. Batman Rises was a decent film, yet most of the dialogue is unintelligible. Justin Bieber is my favorite music artist, and he is my favorite dancer. Incorrect I like to run and hate to swim. We could go to the mall or the store Batman Rises was a decent film most of the dialogue is unintelligible. Justin Bieber is my favorite music artist and dancer.
COMMAS RULE # 1 Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction joining independent clauses EXAMPLE: Mirano eats peanut butter toast for breakfast every morning, but he also drinks coffee.
Coordinating Conjunctions! For And Nor But Or Yet So
Practice Directions: Fix the practice sentences by inserting a comma. Write the comma and the word that follow it. –Example: I like to run and I like to swim., and
SEMCOLONS Practice: 1. Mirano turned off NSYNC but he continued to listen in his mind. COMMAS
SEMICOLONS Practice: 1. Mirano turned off NSYNC, but he continued to listen in his mind. COMMAS
SEMICOLONS Practice: 2. South Park is not watched much by adults for they do not understand its humor. COMMAS
SEMICOLONS Practice: 2. South Park is not watched much by adults, for they do not understand its humor. COMMAS
SEMICOLONS Practice: 3. She went to the beach she surfed until the sun went down. COMMAS
SEMICOLONS Practice: 3. She went to the beach she surfed until the sun went down. COMMAS
Use after an introductory clause or phrase EXAMPLE: When Irwin was ready to eat, his cat jumped onto the table. COMMAS RULE # 2
Introductory clauses start with adverbs like… After Although As Because Before If Since Though Until When
1. If you want to buy a yearbook you’d better do it before they all sell out. Practice: SEMICOLONS COMMAS
1. If you want to buy a yearbook, you’d better do it before they all sell out. Practice: SEMICOLONS COMMAS
2. As your English teacher I want each of you to be successful. Practice: SEMICOLONS COMMAS
2. As your English teacher, I want each of you to be successful. Practice: SEMICOLONS COMMAS
3. Lighting the area like a second moon the helicopter circled the crime scene. Practice: SEMICOLONS COMMAS
3. Lighting the area like a second moon, the helicopter circled the crime scene. Practice: SEMICOLONS COMMAS
Use between all items in a series EXAMPLE – Bubbles of air, leaves, bits of wood, and insects are often found trapped in amber. COMMAS RULE #3
1. Uncle Morty gave Falula all of his beanie babies houses and warehouses. SEMICOLONS COMMAS Practice:
1. Uncle Morty gave Falula all of his beanie babies, houses, and warehouses. SEMICOLONS COMMAS Practice:
2. Mirano went to the French Bulldog meet up stole a French Bulldog and ran for his life. SEMICOLONS COMMAS Practice:
2. Mirano went to the French Bulldog meet-up, stole a French Bulldog, and ran for his life. SEMICOLONS COMMAS Practice:
Use commas to set off nonessential clauses EXAMPLE –Barack Obama, while enjoying some rest and relaxation in Mexico, likes to eat tacos. COMMAS RULE #4
NONESSENTIAL CLAUSE: contains information that is not necessary to the meaning of the sentence. It can be left out and not change the main idea of the sentence. COMMAS RULE #4
1. Mirano following Cooking Light’s newest recipe for vegetable lasagna made a dinner that was incredibly delicious. SEMICOLONS COMMAS Practice:
1. Mirano, following Cooking Light’s newest recipe for vegetable lasagna, made a dinner that was incredibly delicious. SEMICOLONS COMMAS Practice:
2. Teachers who always have papers to grade do not get time to clean their houses on the weekends. SEMICOLONS COMMAS Practice:
2. Teachers, who always have papers to grade, do not get time to clean their houses on the weekends. SEMICOLONS COMMAS Practice:
3. Mirano enjoys going to the beach in San Diego because it gives him a chance to work on a tan. SEMICOLONS COMMAS Practice:
3. Mirano enjoys going to the beach in San Diego because it gives him a chance to work on a tan. SEMICOLONS COMMAS Practice:
LET’S PRACTICE! Take a moment to review all four rules in your mind. Let’s practice! 1. When your family drinks lots of soda at dinner it can make it hard to fall asleep later in the evening.
LET’S PRACTICE! Take a moment to review all four rules in your mind. Let’s practice! 1. When your family drinks lots of soda at dinner, it can make it hard to fall asleep in the evening.
LET’S PRACTICE! Read the following sentences and decide where the comma goes in each sentence. 2. Lucky Charms Honey Nut Cheerios and Frosted Flakes are some of Mirano’s favorite cereals to eat.
LET’S PRACTICE! Read the following sentences and decide where the comma goes in each sentence. 2. Lucky Charms, Honey Nut Cheerios, and Frosted Flakes are some of Mirano’s favorite cereals to eat.
LET’S PRACTICE! Read the following sentences and decide where the comma goes in each sentence. 3. When today is over each of you will have a quiz on commas.
LET’S PRACTICE! Read the following sentences and decide where the comma goes in each sentence. 3. When today is over, each of you will have a quiz on commas.
LET’S PRACTICE! Read the following sentences and decide where the comma goes in each sentence. 4. Trevor wants to go to the beach he really doesn’t want to be in the Arizona sun any longer.
LET’S PRACTICE! Read the following sentences and decide where the comma goes in each sentence. 4. Trevor wants to go to the beach he really doesn’t want to be in the Arizona sun any longer.
LET’S PRACTICE! Read the following sentences and decide where the comma goes in each sentence. 5. Mirano claims to be smarter than his fiancé yet Mirano can’t seem to figure out how to balance his finances.
LET’S PRACTICE! Read the following sentences and decide where the comma goes in each sentence. 5. Mirano claims to be smarter than his girlfriend, yet Mirano can’t seem to figure out how to balance his finances.
LET’S PRACTICE! Read the following sentences and decide where the comma goes in each sentence. 6. Gravity which just came out on Blue-ray is one of the best movies of all time.
LET’S PRACTICE! Read the following sentences and decide where the comma goes in each sentence. 6. Gravity, which just came out on blue-ray, is one of the best movies of all time.
Closing Go back into your Cornell notes and name each of the rules we have covered. Add 3 questions, categorizations, main ideas, applications, etc. to your Cornell notes. Complete the summary to your Cornell Notes.