Service Delivery and Performance Commission The Service Delivery and Performance Commission Tony Hayes Acting Executive Director.


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Presentation transcript:

Service Delivery and Performance Commission The Service Delivery and Performance Commission Tony Hayes Acting Executive Director

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Presentation Overview Background of the Service Delivery and Performance Commission (SDPC) Our role and functions Scope of operations The SDPC and the financial management framework 2006 work program Mode of operation Conclusion

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Creation of the SDPC The Government will establish an independent Service Delivery and Performance Commission to assess how well government services are meeting the community needs. The Government will also continue to review its internal operations to ensure that its services are provided efficiently and effectively, barriers to government agencies working together are removed and major projects undertaken by Government are achieving real benefits through appropriate independent assurance. Treasurer’s Special Fiscal and Economic Statement, 25 October 2005

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Creation of the SDPC (cont.) The SDPC will be responsible for: –Undertaking performance reviews to reassure Government that services are being delivered efficiently, effectively and appropriately. These reviews will acknowledge areas of service excellence as well as identify areas for further improvement, and may take the form of periodic reviews of service delivery areas or of other special reviews or inquiries as identified. –Improving service accountability by measuring, benchmarking and reporting on the provision of government services to the community. This will include recommending the establishment of targets for particular service delivery areas.

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Creation of the SDPC (cont.) Established under the Service Delivery and Performance Commission Act 2005 –Assented to on 10 November 2005 –Available through

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Objectives of the SDPC … help the government of the State – a)to meet the expectations of the community about the delivery of government services; and b)to reduce inefficiencies, duplication and wastage in the delivery of government services; and c)to improve the accountability of agencies for their delivery of services; and …cont.

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Objectives of the SDPC (cont.) d)to improve the delivery of government services by ensuring agencies use resources effectively and efficiently and adopt best practices; and e)to encourage agencies to be proactive about establishing effective and appropriate performance frameworks, including planning and reporting practices; and f)to promote in agencies a culture of continuous improvement and performance management, including risk management.

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Scope Inclusions Public sector units (other than those listed on the next slide as excluded) Any other government entity (other than those listed on the next slide as excluded) prescribed under regulation The Queensland Police Service

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Scope Exclusions The Crime and Misconduct Commission Government owned corporations The Integrity Commissioner The Office of the Information Commissioner The Office of the Ombudsman The Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Commissioner The Queensland Audit Office

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Other Functions of the SDPC The SDPC also has the following functions – a)to prepare annual service delivery and performance reports and give them to the Minister; b)to develop enhanced performance targets for particular agencies or particular services; c)to educate agencies about managing and monitoring their own performance; d)to establish standards for internal government planning and reporting practices about service delivery across the public sector.

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Types of Review A review may relate to: –the delivery of services by a particular agency or agencies –initiatives of a particular agency or agencies –a particular aspect of the delivery of services by the whole or part of the public sector A review may be a single review or a periodic review

Service Delivery and Performance Commission A Review May Involve Measurement of the delivery of services Development of benchmarks and comparison of service delivery against the benchmarks Identification of opportunities to improve service delivery Identification of ways of reducing waste and duplication …cont.

Service Delivery and Performance Commission A Review May Involve (cont.) Assessment of appropriate funding adjustments to achieve optimal service delivery Assessment of the priorities on the basis of which resources are allocated or should be allocated Identification of areas of excellence Identification of areas for further improvement Dealing with anything else decided by the Premier

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Reporting The SDPC must prepare a report for each review it completes and give the report to the Premier. After receiving the report, the Premier must table it in the Legislative Assembly.

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Annual Work Program Before the start of each financial year, the SDPC must prepare a draft annual work program for the financial year and give it to the Premier. After considering the draft, the Premier must establish the work program for the financial year. The Premier may vary a work program for a financial year before or during the financial year.

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Who are the Commissioners? Dr Leo Keliher (Chair) Ms Marian Micalizzi Mr John Story Mr Gerard Bradley (ex officio) Mr George O’Farrell (ex officio)

Service Delivery and Performance Commission The SDPC and the financial management framework “Performance management is a management tool whereby clear targets or outcomes were identified and clear measurements were agreed upon to indicate whether targets were met.” Dr Leo Keliher, Chair, SDPC

Service Delivery and Performance Commission The SDPC and the financial management framework (cont.) Governance structures 3. Allocate resources to meet Government service demands and achieve desired outcomes 1. Set high level Government objectives and priorities 5. Manage resources to achieve Government outcomes Forward Estimates Governance structures 4. Allocate resources to meet agency service demands and achieve desired outcomes 2. Set agency service delivery objectives and strategies 6. Manage resources to deliver agency services (i.e. outputs) Forward Estimates Feedback

Service Delivery and Performance Commission The SDPC and the financial management framework (cont.) At the agency level – –The SDPC will work with agencies in undertaking reviews At the whole-of-government level – –The SDPC will develop policy positions At both levels – –The SDPC will educate, raise awareness and raise the profile of performance management Frameworks Systems Reporting In terms of governance – –The SDPC will build strategic alliances with the QAO

Service Delivery and Performance Commission 2006 Work Program Review of ICT Governance in the Queensland Government Position Paper on Government Commercialised Business Units Review of Legislative/Regulatory Reform Initiatives in the Queensland Government – Phase 1 …cont.

Service Delivery and Performance Commission 2006 Work Program (cont.) Role of the Department of Natural Resources and Mines and the Environmental Protection Agency Position Paper on Performance Management in the Queensland Government …cont.

Service Delivery and Performance Commission 2006 Work Program (cont.) Purchasing and Logistics in the Queensland Government Performance Management Review Agencies 1 & 2 (Department of Communities and Disability Services Queensland) (Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy) Review of the Shared Services Initiative

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Current Reviews FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune ICT Governance Position paper on CBUs Review of legislative/regulatory reform

Service Delivery and Performance Commission ICT Governance Objectives are to – –recommend optimal ICT governance arrangements; –examine roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of entities delivering ICT policy and services; and –examine ICT investment decision making processes. Contact: Tony Hayes(07)

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Position Paper on CBUs To provide information to agencies that have or are proposing to establish and operate CBUs. It will include three focus areas – –Background and context for the establishment of CBUs –Operating principles for CBUs –Emerging drivers Contact: Bonnie Hampson(07)

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Review of Legislative/Regulatory Reform (Phase 1) Will provide – –a summary of regulatory reform initiatives; –a stock take of initiatives in Queensland; –an evaluation of identified initiatives and approaches; and –a proposed work program for future consideration. Contact: Scott Trappett (07)

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Operating Principles Work with agencies Involve agencies in reviews Strong relationships with line and central agencies Enhancing awareness, knowledge, capability and maturity regarding performance management Better outcomes for agencies, the Queensland Government and the community Not one size fits all

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Conclusion Increasing accountability on government and its agencies to deliver Utilisation of resources (human, physical, and financial) is paramount Doing the right things for the right outcomes – business alignment Maturing performance management Working together to achieve this

Service Delivery and Performance Commission Thank you & Questions?