Fit and healthy How fit are you? Food for fitness 9B Fit and healthy Caring for your health
9B Fit and healthy How fit are you?
9B How fit are you? What does it mean to be fit? If you are fit, your body is well set up for exercise. For exercise your muscle cells need energy. Where does this come from? Which organ systems provide the things you need for respiration? energy water carbon dioxide respiration glucose oxygen
9B In… out… in… out... Stand up and feel your ribs! Can you feel these movements when you breathe in and out?
9B Breathing and respiration You need to breathe faster and deeper when you run. Athletes tend to have big lungs. Smokers often cannot run as fast as non-smokers. If you are fit, your breathing rate returns to normal quickly after exercise. Explain these observations about breathing and respiration.
A joint is a place where two or more bones meet. Joints allow us to move. 9B Know your pelvis from your elbow Name these joints. Which are ball-and- socket joints? Which are hinge joints? a b c d e f g shoulder elbow hip wrist finger knee ankle shoulder hip elbow finger knee
9B Antagonistic muscles What are your muscles doing when you bend your arm? Are they contracting or relaxing? The biceps and triceps are an antagonistic pair of muscles. What does this mean? Muscles can only pull, not push. So one muscle pulls the bone one way, and the paired muscle pulls it back again. Which muscle contracts when you straighten your leg? muscle groupbending the armstraightening the arm biceps triceps contracting relaxing contracting
sit-ups 9B Hot and sweatyContracting is hard work for muscles. They get hot. Respiration releases energy so that they can work. Look at these thermal images. The hot areas of the body are red. Which exercise belongs with which image? arm wrestling swimmingcycling swimmingcycling press-ups sit-ups
Food for fitness 9B Fit and healthy
9B Healthy diet Apples are a healthy food. Would apples be healthy if they were all you ever ate? Are there foods so unhealthy you should not eat them at all? Why might someone avoid a particular food? A healthy diet contains a good mixture of different nutrients. What are the seven types of nutrient? Explain why a breast-feeding mother needs a different diet from a housebound elderly man.
We need vitamins and minerals for our bodies to be healthy. Match each one below to the effect caused if it is missing from the diet. 9B Vitamins and minerals What foods provide these vitamins and minerals? vitamin or mineraleffect if missing vitamin A unhealthy skin vitamin B weak bones and teeth vitamin C night blindness iron anaemia calcium scurvy night blindness scurvy anaemia weak bones and teeth unhealthy skin
What happens to vitamin C when you cook vegetables? 9B Cooked to death? vegetablevitamin C score raw cooked at 60 °C for 1 min cooked at 60 °C for 5 min cooked at 60 °C for 10 min cooked at 100 °C for 1 min cooked at 100 °C for 5 min cooked at 100 °C for 10 min Which has more effect – cooking time or temperature?
Caring for your health 9B Fit and healthy
1. Proteins are needed by the body for… a) growth and repair of tissues b) a quick energy boost when you are tired c) stopping you falling asleep in science lessons. 2. Overcooking vegetables can be bad for your health because... a) cooking allows poisons to build up in vegetables and makes them all taste like Brussel sprouts b) the heat destroys some of the vitamins c) you will burn your mouth when you eat them. 9B Health quiz
3. Exercise that raises your heart rate is good for you because… a) it makes it easier to find your pulse b) it strengthens the heart muscle c) it cleans out the arteries as the blood is forced through more quickly. 4. A doctor advised a very overweight patient not to go jogging. Which would not be a good reason for her advice? a) it could put a strain on your knees b) you don’t have a good sense of direction – could get lost c) it could put a strain on your heart. 9B Health quiz
5. Is cannabis legal? a) yes, provided you only have a small amount for your own personal use b) yes, provided you only smoke it in certain areas c) no, cannabis is still illegal in the UK. 6. How much ecstasy can you take before you risk brain damage and even death? a) one tablet b) one tablet every week c) one tablet every month. 9B Health quiz