Enhancing Alignment between Local Government and Local Development
Government Policies driving Alignment Programme for Government Transforming Public Services (2008), Public Service Reform Plan (2011) Local Government Reform Agenda Restructuring of Departments – DEHLG & DCEGA Minister Hogan / Department objective
Alignment Steering Group Established September 2011 Interim Report (Dec 2011) - recommendations aim to deliver maximum benefit for communities /citizens from local and community development programmes a more coherent approach to local service provision an enhanced role for local government in planning and oversight stronger national oversight for a more integrated / targeted approach greater flexibility locally to customise programmes to local needs and priorities retain ‘bottom-up’ approach as integral part of planning and decision- making at local level
Alignment Steering Group Mr. Jim Miley – Chairperson - former chairperson of Concern Worldwide and company director Dr. Patricia O’Hara – regional policy expert and Adjunct Professor at the National Institute for Regional Spatial Analysis Mr. Liam Keane - former HSE South Regional Co-ordinator Ms. Martina Moloney - Galway County Manager Mr. Gerry Kearney - former Secretary General of the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs Ms. Geraldine Tallon - Secretary General of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government
Terms of Reference of the Steering Group : Review the role of Local Government in Local & Community Development; Review the role and contribution of the Local & Community Development programmes in order to determine the scope for greater synergy with Local Government; and Make recommendations on how the alignment of Local Government and Local & Community Development should be progressed and achieved with a view to: improving delivery of services for the citizen at a local level; achieving greater efficiency and effectiveness; and enhancing the role of local authorities in the delivery of Local and Community Development programmes and functions.
Consultation Process 97 Submissions received and reviewed Meetings with key stakeholders – Representatives of elected local authority members – County and City Managers’ Association – Irish Local Development Network
Why align the sectors? Increasing expectations from Citizens Increased focus on efficiency / effectiveness Reducing resources Changing role for local government Existing arrangements have deficiencies Variation in approach, skills and standards of service delivery - by both sectors
What does Alignment of Local Government and Local Development mean? Enhanced role for local government Planning and oversight by LAs of local and community development Unique strengths, skills and experiences of LDCs Greater coherence in the delivery of services and more meaningful impacts for our communities
the Final Report 1. National Local and Community Development Policy 2. County/ City Level Community Plans 3. Funding and Accountability 4. Territorial Alignment 5. Improving Efficiency 6. Greater Effectiveness and Identification of Best Practice 7. Capacity Building and Change Management 8. LEADER 9. Phased Implementation
Enhancing Alignment between Local Government and Local Development
Local government will lead economic, social and community development locally, be the main vehicle of governance and public service at local level, deliver efficient and good value services, and represent citizens and communities, as effectively and accountably as possible Vision for Local Government in Ireland