Obchodní akademie, Ostrava-Poruba, příspěvková organizace Vzdělávací materiál/DUMVY_32_INOVACE_06A /19 A Housewife Autor Mgr. Jana Kondeková Ročník/věková kategorie Období vytvoření 4. ročník / 19 let Duben 2013 Vyučovací předmět/klíčová slova Anglický jazyk/ Jobs Part Nineteen: A Housewife Anotace Práce slouží k procvičení gramatiky a slovní zásoby s tématikou A housewife.
JOBS Part Nineteen A housewife
Exercises Exercise 1: What is your morning routine? Exercise 2: Use of English. Exercise 3: Housework history – choose the right word. Exercise 4: Complete the expressions used for giving opinions. Exercise 5: A housewife´s Saturday routine. Exercise 6: Make or do. Exercise 7: My evening routine.
Keys Key: Exercise 1 Key: Exercise 2 Key: Exercise 3 Key: Exercise 4 Key: Exercise 5 Key: Exercise 6 Key: Exercise 7
Exercise 1: What is your morning routine? Complete the questions and answer them 1, What time do you usually … up in the morning? 2, Do you prefer to … a shower or a bath? 3, Do you … your hair every day? 4, Do you … your teeth more than three minutes? 5, How long does it take you to … dressed in the morning? 6, Do you always … breakfast in the morning ? 7, What time do you … the house for shopping? 8, When do you usually … back home?
Exercise 2: Use of English. Put the correct form of the verb clean in each gap. 1, I enjoy … the house every Tuesday evening. 2, It is Wednesday lunchtime and I … the house. 3, He thinks most of the houses in his street … at least once a week. 4, His father says that the house … by magic. 5, Her friends arrived while she … her room. 6, In the future, the houses … by robots.
Exercise 3: Housework history – choose the right word. If you stop to think about it, the history of housework is the history of everything. Housework 1, changes/has changed/is changing an amazing amount in only the last hundred years or so. The 2, inventing/inventor/invention of electricity was very important, and it led to the 3, arrival/arriving/arrived of the washing machine, the vacuum cleaner, the dishwasher and so on. Housework 4, been/were/was much harder without them fifty years ago. It is not just technology that is different – these days, most husbands 5, are expecting/are expected/have expected by their wives to share the housework. Overall, then, we can see a great 6, improved/improving/improvement in relation to housework, especially for women – although the environmental cost of modern housework is high.
Exercise 4: Complete the expressions used for giving opinions. - as, in, to, on 1, … my experience, a small family is better. 2, According … a TV programme I saw, there are fewer big families now. 3, As far … I am concerned, the bigger the better. 4, It depends … where you live, but I prefer small families.
Exercise 5: A housewife´s Saturday routine. Read what two housewives said about their Saturday routine. I usually 1, stay/have/do in bed till eight in the morning. Then, I 2, get/take/make a big breakfast for my family. After that, I 3, eat/make/do the washing and then I 4, get/go/leave into town. I do some shopping and sometimes I 5, have/do/go a cup of coffee in my favourite café. At twelve our family has lunch. In the evening, I usually 6, go/meet/visit out with my husband. I always 7, take/wake/go up early on Saturdays so I usually 8, make/get/take my dog out for a walk in the park. After that, I go home and 9, make/do/go breakfast and lunch for my family. In the afternoon, after cleaning our flat, I 10, relax/make/listen in front of TV. In the evenings, I 11, send/text/listen my friends and sometimes go out with my husband.
Exercise 6: Make or do. The shopping A cake Breakfast A decision The cooking Friends with A mess A complaint Someone a favour Sure that The housework The beds Nothing Lunch Money A speech A profit A phone call Dinner The washing up Which expressions go with make and which go with do? Write them into the correct columns. make do
Exercise 7: My evening routine. Complete the text with correct forms of these verbs: brush, have, have, go, do, get My evening routine. In the afternoon, I often 1, … shopping with my children. After that, I 2,… a rest a little – I like to watch TV or listen to music. Then I sit down with my family and we 3,… a meal. I cook for my family every day and then my son 4, … the washing up. After our meal, I do our housework or I take our dog for a walk. I usually 5, … ready for bed at around half past ten.I sometimes have a bath before bed and I also 6, … my hair for quite a long time. My hair is very long, so I have to look after it. I would like to go to bed quite early because I get up early in the morning.
Key – Exercise 1 1, get 2, have 3, wash 4, clean 5, get 6, have 7, leave 8, come Possible answers: 1, I usually get up at seven in the morning. 2, I prefer to have a shower. 3, No, I do not wash my hair every day. 4, No, I do not clean my teeth more than three minutes. 5, It takes me ten minutes to get dressed in the morning. 6, Yes, I always have breakfast in the morning. 7, I leave my house for shopping at nine in the morning. 8, I usually come back home at half past eleven.
Key – Exercise 2 1, cleaning 2, have cleaned 3, are cleaned 4, is cleaned 5, was cleaning 6, will be cleaned
Key - Exercise 3 1, has changed 2, invention 3, arrival 4, was 5, are expected 6, improvement
Key - Exercise 4 1, in 2, to 3, as 4, on
Key – Exercise 5 1, stay 2, make 3, do 4, go 5, have 6, go 7, wake 8, take 9, make 10, relax 11, listen 12, text
Key – Exercise 6 make do a cake the shopping breakfast the cooking a decision someone a favour friends with the housework a mess nothing a complaint the washig up sure that the beds money a speech a phone call progress dinner lunch
Key : Exercise 7 1, do 2, have 3, have 4, does 5, get 6, brush
Bibliography PAULEROVÁ, E., D. GONDOVÁ, H. MUSÍLKOVÁ a J. PERNICOVÁ. Maturita Excellence. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN LIPUS, B. Konverzační učebnice angličtiny. Word, ISBN
The End of Part Nineteen. Thank You for Your Attention. Mgr. Jana Kondeková