Jan 13, 2015
Welcome Explanations Cost Timeline If my child stays back….. ◦ Is not allowed to attend due to behavior Question and Answers!!
Teachers going….. Beachly, Brandlin, Kim, Luna,Nocket, and Rockwell Ms. Finkel will be staying back to head things back here!!
Permission slips, t-shirt order form and info sheet were sent home Monday with your students!! Make sure that you sign in ALL 3 places on the permission slip including the last pages EVEN if there or NO MEDS!!! T-shirt sizes are adult sizes! T-shirts are $15, hooded sweatshirts are $30 or both for $40 ALL FORMS and money are due on Friday Jan 30th!!!!
IF your child has 3 D’s or an F on their 1 st semester grade card they WILL NOT be allowed to attend OSS If your child has 3 U’s or an N in citizenship OR 3 ones in work habits on the 1 st semester grade they will be put on a behavior/work contract which they will need to get signed by ALL their teachers, a parent, and either Dr. Lee or Dr Plotkin…these are due Feb 18 th -20th….If I don’t have it by the 20th completely signed they WILL NOT be allowed to attend.
Daily routine…. Wake up at 7…..go to breakfast….HIKE….cabin time….eat dinner…..evening activity….light out at 9:30 Discipline plan ONE…warning TWO…second warning and 10 minutes timeout THREE….meet with ESMS teacher and miss activity FOUR….meet with MS. BEACHLY and CALL HOME and miss activity FIVE…. SENT HOME Parent MUST come get them!
WHAT TO BRING and WHAT NOT TO BRING!!!! BRING….there will be a list sent home and there was one attached to the permission slip…..please make sure to send clothes for layering (include LONG pants), sleeping/pillow, toiletries and A WATER BOTTLE If you are sending meds PLEASE put them in a ziplock bag with the student name printed on the outside…place them in the marked box NOT in their luggage!!! DO NOT BRING….CELL PHONES, ELECTRONICS OF ANY KIND, AND NO FOOD/GUM/DRINKS….see list for others
$400 needs to be paid to ESMS in order for your child to attend….several students did fundraising!! This cost includes: transportation, meals, lodging, and the expertise of many trained naturalists T-shirts $15 Sweatshirts $30..BOTH $40
ALL forms and money is DUE BY FRIDAY JAN 30th….. if you need an extension on money owed please see me before the due date….forms MUST by turned in ON TIME!!!! NO EXCEPTIONS We leave for Malibu on Monday March 2nd (have your child here ready to go by 8 am) and we return on Friday March 6 th ( about 1:00 pm)
If your child is NOT going to OSS they WILL NEED to be at school!!!!! Students will be on a modified schedule which will include all the core classes, PE and an elective. Many of the lessons taught at OSS will be covered here as well!!! They will be required to do a Science booklet similar to the OSS booklet for a grade!!!!