Get the most out of now
Learning Targets I will discuss what I have learned so far from the weekly lessons in Study Skills. I will discover different strategies to use my time wisely.
What we have learned so far What Procrastination is. How we procrastinate. Strategies to stay motivated to avoid procrastination.
Now what? Now that we can identify when we procrastinate and use motivational strategies what’s next? How to use your time efficiently! Today and next week we will discuss how to use our time well.
Strategies for getting the most out of now. Study difficult (or boring) subjects first. ▫If your Social studies textbook puts you to sleep, get to it first while you are still fresh and ready to go. ▫If you find yourself avoiding a particular subject get up an hour earlier to study during breakfast so you don’t have to think about it the rest of the day. Be aware of your best time of the day.
Strategies for getting the most out of now. Use waiting time. ▫Five minutes waiting for the bus in the morning, passing periods, waiting at the doctors office this time adds up fast. ▫Carry a set of note cards for any subject to help you study. Manage interruptions. ▫Notice how others misuse your time. ▫Be aware of repeat offenders and avoid them. ▫If avoiding doesn’t work send a clear message.
Strategies for getting the most out of now. Study for 2 hours for every hour you’re in class CollegeHigh SchoolMiddle School Spend 2 hours for every hour you have class. Spend 1 hour for every academic class Spend 30 minutes for every academic class.