Internal Frame Backpack 4500 cubic inch minimum Make sure it fits the Scout Backpack cover Make sure it fits over the entire pack and room for external gear Down filled Mummy Bag 20 degree centegrade Sleeping Pad Many options but the Scouts usually do fine with the one shown
Headlamp Match the battery size with Flashlight Flashlight Match the battery size with the headlamp Rain coat NO PONCHOS! Rain paints NO PONCHOS!
Light weight camp shoes Crocs shown are typical Must be close toe shoes Hiking boots Waterproof Wool hiking socks (3) Pair of socks Costco Wigwam socks recommended Thermal long under ware Turtleneck helps keep more heat in NO COTTON Synthetic micro fiber only Thermal long under ware NO COTTON Synthetic micro fiber or silk if you want to spend money
(1) Long sleeve hiking shirt NO COTTON Synthetic only! (2) short sleeve hiking shirts NO COTTON Synthetic only! (2) zip off long hiking pants NO COTTON Synthetic only! (2) synthetic under ware NO COTTON Synthetic only! Style of the Scout's choosing
Fleece winter hat Not too heavy Lightweight gloves Used during camp setup Wide brim hat Keeps sun off face and neck Fleece jacket Doesn't need to be a North Face Medium to light weight should be fine
(1) Waterproof compression stuff sack for sleeping bag (1) Non-waterproof stuff sack for clothing. Microlight towel (1) Large for body (1) Medium for face Biodegradable soap Approx 3oz bottle should be enough Toothbrush Toothpaste 3 oz Toothbrush holder SPF 50 Sun block Small personal size bottle SPF 50 lipbalm Small personal size bottle
Mess kit (1) non-metal Bowl with the ability to lick clean (1) Spoon Small bottle of Gold Bond Medicated Powder (1) Bandana (3) Sock Liners (1) Personal First Aid Kit (2) 32 oz waterbottle To carry crew water (1) 16 oz waterbottle To mix and drink out of (1) Small pocket knife Large safety pins To hang cloths outside pack to dry