Text -informational content in interactive new media Lisa Lee
Information Visualization Information visualization is a complex research area. It builds on theory in information design, computer graphics, human-computer interaction and cognitive science.As a subject in computer science, information visualization is the use of interactive, sensory representations, typically visual, of abstract data to reinforce cognition.Practical application of information visualization in computer programs involves selecting, transforming and representing abstract data in a form that facilitates human interaction for exploration and understanding. Important aspects of information visualization are the interactivity and dynamics of the visual representation. Strong techniques enable the user to modify the visualization in real-time, thus affording unparalleled perception of patterns and structural relations in the abstract data in question.Although much work in information visualization regards to visual forms, auditory and other sensory representations are also of concern.- wikipedia
The Need for Visualization Like good writing, good graphical displays of data communicate ideas with clarity, precision and efficiency. Like poor writing, bad graphical displays distort or obscure the data, making it harder to understand or compare.
text Method of Communicating Storing Information Transmitting knowledge and ideas
Text in information visualization Informational data Visual content (typography) -breaking general aspect/function of Text- linearity + typography to help visual effects
Text in interactive new media Hypertext Break linearity of text (starting point of visualizing information/text thinking differently ) Data visualization Information design Text= information+content(typography)
Hypertext Ted Nelson- extension of the idea of the cross-reference, a m eans of creating meaningful links between information that is stored in text form. The central idea is to provide the reader with a variety of different perspectives on to a body of information that can be explored interactively. Hypertext changes our sense of authorship, authorial property, and creativity by moving away from the constructions of page- bound technology. In so doing, it promises to have an effect on cultural and intellectual disciplines as important as those produced by earlier shifts in the technology of cultural memory that followed the invention of writing and printing.- George Landow The Jew's Daughter by Judd Morrissey Patchwork Girl by Shelley Jackson. Other so many hypertexts
Informational design In making information accessible to people, it is necessary for designers to rethink current design paradigms. The computer screen is not a piece of paper and should not be treated as such.By taking advantage of the ability of the computer to display dynamic, flexible, and adaptive typography and imagery, we can invent new ways for people to read, interact with, and assimilate information. Likewise, the combination of innovative visualization with architectural space and well-designed physical interfaces puts potentially limitless spaces within a human context. - David Small Jessica Helfand / William Drenttel: Masamichi Udagawa / Sigi Moeslinger: John Maeda:
[Stream of Conciousness] [The Talmud Project] David Small
[ Floating Numbers] Joachim Sauter ART+COM
Data visualization -using text as content- -Martin Wattenberg Apartment -Benjamin Fry Valence -W. Bradford Paley Textarc
The word is an image after all -Stuart Moulthrop Breaking linearity of text-> bringing in interactivity-> regenerate narration