Benton A. Staley Middle School Mission Statement The mission of Staley Middle School is to provide a safe, nurturing environment which challenges the students academically, builds their self-esteem, and enables them to mature intellectually, socially, and emotionally.
Throughout the day, we’re all about ADDING VALUE!
Sounds simple, doesn’t it?
OK, Parents… Are you… nervous? relaxed? excited? relieved?
It will be OK! We are Team Staley: Parents, Staff, Students Phone calls, s, conferences are welcome The only bad questions are those that are not asked. Your child is in good hands!
Presenting… A Day in the Life of a Staley Mustang!
First of all… Dress Code… Please refer to the Staley Student Handbook. (student handbook tab – pg. 17)
Drop off and Pick up Buses drop and pick up in the rear of the building (south entrance) 6 th grade – Approach from N. 4 th Street and pick up/drop off in the front entrance. 7 th grade - Approach from Stadium Lane and pick up/drop off by band/orchestra wing. 8 th grade – Approach from Stadium Lane and pick up/drop off at east parking lot. Multiple grades? The choice is yours! Bike racks are in front and back.
Where does your child go in the morning? Everyone reports to the auditeria first. 6 th graders sit at the lower levels. 7 th graders sit at west tables on second level. 8 th graders sit at east tables on second level. Students are invited to sit, visit with friends nearby, read, study, eat breakfast, use their electronic devices responsibly.
Tutorials Students are often dismissed from the cafeteria early in order to attend tutorials. 7:55am – 8:20am 3:35pm – 4:05pm
Heading to the Locker Backpacks may be brought to school, but must be left in the locker during the school day. This includes “sack packs”. Wheeled backpacks are usually too big for our lockers.
More on Lockers… Students will have a locker assigned to them on their schedule card. If a student’s locker is too tall, please see Mr. Helenberger to discuss getting a bottom locker. Hints: Practice your Combo! Don’t place magnetic shelves on locker doors! No stickers! Students should not decorate the outside of the lockers, even for someone’s birthday.
Frisco BYOD Policy Middle School Appropriate Use Before/after school - Yes In class when the teacher designates use for learning - Yes During passing period - No During lunch -No In restrooms/locker rooms - No (technology policies and rules)
Let the Learning Begin!
6 th Grade Schedule Locker Combo
About those classes… What is the difference between Pre-AP and on-level courses? (Pre-AP/GT – summer novel read) (summer reading) How many electives are available? Does a student’s schedule ever have to be changed?
How will your child make it to class on time? Don’t worry. He or she will have four minutes between passing periods. This is plenty of time to go to lockers, get a drink of water, and then be in class ready to learn. Hint: If he/she needs to use the restroom and does not think there is enough time, he/she can check in with the next period teacher to ask permission to go. They are understanding about this.
P.E. Clothes/Athletics Athletics tab OR Student Handbook tab
When is lunch???? Monday - Friday 10:55 – 11:25 (“A” Lunch) 11:29 – 12:15 (“B” Lunch) 12:19 – 1:05 (“C” Lunch)
What is “W.E.B.”?
How is “W.E.B.” different? Everyone actively participates in the 30- minute activity twice a month. Students belong to a randomly- selected group of same-grade students. W.E.B. focuses on pride and respect toward self and others. Lessons and activities help students feel connected.
Guidance Counselors We are here for you! Concerns? Questions? Comments? Successes? Students may check in before/after school or ask permission from a teacher. Our goal is to return calls/ s within 24 hours.
And now, a word from our data clerk…
What if your child is absent? We will miss him/her!!!!! If your child needs to miss school please call the day of the absence to inform us by 10:00am. In addition to calling, please either send a note or the absence excuse within 3 days per district policy. Hint: ing is much easier and more efficient.
Finally… Is your child ready for Colt Camp and August 25th? Please bring us a copy of a proof of residence (utility bill, lease agreement, etc.) so that we may give your child his or her schedule. We are ready to help you!