EUEI Workshop for Eastern & Southern Africa Draft Synthesis as of 13 Apr, 2005 P. Bacela & S. Karekezi
Plenary Sessions – MDGs & PRSP Over-arching MDGs and PRSP frameworks. Detailed presentation of priorities, objectives and approach of EUEI – key is to EUEI resources to increase financial flows to region’s energy sector (model of water facility). Underlined urgent need for upstream work at PRSP level to ensure that national PRSPs explicitly address energy service as an important tool for poverty alleviation MDGs Millenium Development Goals PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers
Plenary Sessions – Innovative Initiatives Selected initiatives from Uganda and Zambia, spearheaded by Ministries of Energy demonstrating innovative approaches for: Integrating energy in poverty reduction strategies Productive use of energy services, particularly energy services for increasing agricultural productivity
Plenary Sessions – Innovative Initiatives Followed by more detailed case examples of experiences in Zimbabwe, South Africa and a continent-wide AREED initiative o Limitations of strict focus on energy services – not just power stations, wires & poles o Need to address energy in a business context – non-energy dimensions such as end-use equipment and other opportunities for generating supplementary revenue flows
Plenary Sessions – Donor Perspectives Donor perspectives on EUEI initiative as well as briefings of energy activities financed by participating donor representatives in eastern and southern Africa. Re-iterate how essential that energy features in PRSP as it provides the basis for including energy in the priorities of donor policies. ODA can only meet a modest fraction of financing of region’s energy sector Ability to mobilize and leverage local and international resources is key The very wide range of donor initiatives in the region would indicate that would added value in increased coordination.
Plenary Sessions – Other Recurrent Themes Role of renewables particularly PV Private sector participation and the role of Government in meeting the energy needs of the poor International private sector involved in large-scale energy investments Local small/medium scale enterprises Different modalities Utility approach SME/micro-credit approach Role of NGOs/CBOs
Parallel Sessions Country Working Groups Country working groups continued in-country dialogue started at in-country preparatory meetings Reviewed country needs and barriers Identified short-list of possible initiatives culminating in preparation a brief outlines on 1-2 priority country initiatives Selected common regional interests
Country Priorities - Emerging Patterns CoverageFollow-up Enabling Environment: Upstream policy workVery limitedNeed more PRSP level initiatives Capacity Building, Monitoring & Evaluation Some attentionAdditional attention needed
Country Priorities - Emerging Patterns CoverageFollow-up Delivery of Energy Services Rural electrification Biomass energy and alternative options (e.g. LPG) for domestic energy sector Renewables Delivery of Energy Services Household Institutional ProductiveAdditional attention needed Facilitating Large Scale Energy Services Some attentionAdditional attention needed
Mozambique - Country Priority Project 1- Capacity Building for monitoring and evaluation of cross-sectoral energy/agriculture/health initiatives Project 2- Integrated project – rural electrification & biomass energy (efficient charcoal production & improved stoves) conservation (incl. business development component) Project 3- PV Electrification of 100 health centres and schools Project 4- Preparation of bankable documents for 3 mid-size hydropower plants
Malawi - Country Priorities Project 1- Artisanal training in production, installation and maintenance of renewable energy technologies (mainly solar PVs) Project 2- Provision of electricity to rural trading centres & associated social centres (eg. health, education & agriculture) Project 3- Provision of energy services through RETs (70 solar villages, briquettes, stoves, gel fuel, biogas, wind, etc)
Zambia - Country Priority Initiatives Project 1- Energy Sector Capacity Building (awareness & skills among the energy regulation board, consumers & private sector) Project 2- Rural electrification (grid and other sources) aimed at increasing agricultural sector Project 3- Production and use of biofuels (feasibility studies, production, promotion and end-use) Project 4- Increased alternative energy services for domestic sector (LPG, gel fuel and improved stoves) Project 5Strengthen monitoring and evaluation of Ministry of Energy & Water Development
Ethiopia - Country Priorities Project 1- Expansion of grid with 10MW wind generation capacity by 2007 Project 2- Extension of grid by 200km X 132kV by 2007 (linking wind turbines to main grid) Project 3- Building local entrepreneurial capacity in PV technology by 2007
Uganda - Country Priorities Project 1- Energy Services for rural institutions (health, education, water & ICT) and households (reduce indoor air pollution,) Project 2- Provision of energy for rural income generation activities (mini/micro hydro, solar dryers, treadle pumps, PV/wind water pumping) Project 3- Extension of grid to rural industries/productive enteprises
Kenya - Country Priorities Conducive Environment for modern energy services for rural areas 1 st Sub- Project - Legal framework for commercial charcoal and access to micro-credit 2 nd Sub- Project - Sustainable biomass production for charcoal and fuelwood + improed 3 rd sub- project - Micro-hydro for mechanical and industrial processing 4 th sub- project - Renewable energy agency and strengthened R&D centres of excellence
Kenya - Country Priorities Human Resources for Effective Rural Energy Service Delivery Budget 1 st Sub- Project - Facilitate training of multi-purpose rural energy technicians 2 nd Sub- Project - Enhance training of renewable energy engineers 3 rd sub- project - Renewable energy demonstration centres
Tanzania - Country Priorities 1 st Prog.Provision of financial and technical support to the (soon-to-be established) Rural Energy Fund for support rural ESCOs, micro-credit institutions 2 nd Prog.Establishment of a program to strengthen institutions capacities to deliver better energy services aimed at education institutions, energy organizations and broader awareness creation, 3 rd Prog.Design and implement a service delivery model to facililate large-scale uptake and use of cleaner energy services for rural areas (cleaner fossil fuels such as LPG and LNG as well as renewable energy technologies) 4 th Prog.Rural energisation strategic plan through centralized and decentralized energy systems 5 th Project Development of tools for energy policy using implementation strategies, appropriate legal and regulatory framework and integrated planning