WHEN, WHERE, & HOW LONG Grade Level Days Monday-4 th Tuesday-2 nd Wednesday-1 st Thursday-5 th Friday-3 rd Location & Time Fannin Elementary 8:20-2:20 Portable by the Gym
TRANSPORATION Buses will pick up from home campuses around 8:00 after breakfast. 2 Buses Buses will depart from Fannin to take students back to home campuses at 2:20
WHAT IS A G.T. DAY LIKE? GT Daily Schedule 8:20-8:30 11:40-12:10 2:20 2:30-3:10 Students arrive at GT Lunch Dismiss to go back to home campus Conference Students will… Work with students from all 5 campuses Have lessons with and switch between two awesome teachers. Be challenged to think, write, create, and push themselves to new limits.
CURRICULUM We will be using the Texas State Performance Standards Project as our primary curriculum resource. Other resources and strategies Project Based Learning IIM- Independent Investigation Method
PROJECT-BASED LEARNING 4 C’s Critical Thinking Collaboration Communication Choices In-class activities and research done culminating in a final product according to their interests and learning styles.
PROJECT-BASED LEARNING Project Based Learning Responsibilities - Students will be learning research skills as they explore the grade level projects. They are responsible for coming to class with a positive attitude and ready to learn. Students will need to keep up with their research notes in an organized manner and meet deadlines and due dates as assigned.
CONFERENCING AND PARENT COMMUNICATION Rubrics will be used to assess the projects your student will work on and complete. Communication is very important Parent Folder Teacher page on CISD website Separate GT report cards and Phone number
RESPONSIBILITIES Each student is expected to follow these rules at all times to ensure a safe and positive classroom community. Responsibilities: 1. Be respectful of others. 2. Be responsible with materials and assignments. 3. Be quiet and listen at appropriate times 4. Be Positive
CLASSROOM CONSEQUENCES When responsibilities and rules are not followed: 1st time - verbal warning 2nd time Lose part of recess Sign the book and record choices made Class Dojo goes on Parent Report 3rd time - Lose all of recess * After several times, a parent note or phone call might be necessary. If the offense is severe or repeated often, the student will be referred to the office or counselor. Home campus administration and teachers will be involved.
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS What if my child is late to school and misses the GT Bus? You will need to drive your child to Fannin. Will there be homework? Not normally, almost everything will be done in class. Will there be grades? Student projects will be assessed by using a rubric. There will be a separate GT Report Card.
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS What if they are absent? Please schedule appointments on other days than the scheduled GT day, but if they are absent, we will catch them up when they return to class. What instruction will they miss when they are pulled out for GT? Students are not responsible for class work or instruction for the time they miss while at GT.