1 From E-Government to Connected Governance: Harnessing Information & Communication Technologies for Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing Michael G. Mimicopoulos Senior Public Administration Officer Division for Public Administration and Development Management United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
2 Objectives of Knowledge Management The overall concept of KM aims at maximizing productivity in the public sector, while enhancing public service delivery. The key objective of a knowledge based administration is to focus on achievements of the goals of the government’s agencies and improvement in quality of processes and services to the citizens which incorporate the input of citizens.
3 Challenge of Knowledge Management The major challenge facing KM implementation in many countries around the world is not a technological one but relates to the requirement for the development of a common culture of modernization of public administration. The solution is to use a problem solving approach rather than a mere technological implementation of a portal.
4 Benefits of KM Enhance speed and efficiency Enhance Coordination Reduce government costs Greater inclusion and participation e Facilitate communication
5 What does the UN Survey Assess The survey assesses the extent to which governments improve the provision of access and quality of basic economic and social services to their citizens, and involve them in public policy making through e-participation.
6 What is the UN E-government Readiness Index It is a benchmarking tool for monitoring the progress of countries towards higher levels of e-government and e-participation service delivery.
7 E-government readiness Index Web Measure Index Infrastructure Index Human Capital Index
8 Infrastructure Index is based on basic infrastructural indicators that define a country’s ICT infrastructure capacity. PC Index Internet Index Telephone Index Broadband Index; Mobile phone Index
9 Human capital index is a composite of the adult literacy rate in the country and an index of the combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrolments.
10 Stages of e-government Stage V Stage IV Stage III Stage II Stage I
11 UN Global Survey 2008 Results: E-government readiness across regions of the World Europe shows the highest e-readiness followed by the Americas. In 2008 countries comprising Asia had an e-government readiness equal to the world average. As before, e- government readiness in Africa is the lowest in the world.
12 E-government readiness: Top 15 countries Sweden scores the highest and leads this year in e- government readiness Denmark, and then Norway. follow. RankCountryIndex 1Sweden Denmark Norway United States Netherlands Republic of Korea Canada Australia France United Kingdom Japan Switzerland Estonia Luxembourg Finland0.7488
13 What does the e-participation index measure? E-Participation index is a qualitative assessment of the quality, relevance and usefulness of government websites in providing online participatory tools to the people.
14 E-participation Index: top 10 countries The United States scores the highest and forms the comparator for the relative performance of all other countries. It is followed by the Republic of Korea. RankCountryIndex 1United States Republic of Korea Denmark France Australia New Zealand Mexico Estonia Sweden Singapore Canada Japan Luxembourg Ukraine Jordan0.5455
15 Home Page UN Knowledge base
16 Search 192 member country profiles
17 UN Monitors… The UN monitors trends in e-government and e- governance and explores the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of e-government and e-governance.
18 The role of ICT in government revisited… The role of ICT in public service delivery is being revisited around the world. Many governments have come to realize that continued expansion in e-services is not possible without some kind of integration of back end government systems.
19 Whole-of-government approach The emerging e-government-as-a-whole concept which focuses on the provision of services at the front end supported by integration, consolidation and innovation in back-end processes and systems to achieve maximum cost savings and improved service delivery.
20 Emerging e-government paradigm
21 What is connected governance? Connected governance focuses on the provision of services at the front end supported by integration, consolidation and innovation in back- end processes and systems to achieve maximum cost savings and improved service delivery.
22 Thank You