Disability Federation of Ireland National Conference November nd 2007 Working together for the future Ger Reaney Local Health Manager
Looking to the future Role of voluntary organisations in innovation and shaping the future Identifying needs Raising awareness Initiating service responses No. and range of voluntary organisations in Ireland Participation of people with disabilities in voluntary organisations
Looking forward
What the future might look like Enrolled in local primary care teams Inter-disciplinary teams with shared file Majority of service needs met by PCTs In other cases PCTs arrange and manage care Primary care teams will have ready access to information and support as required on particular conditions
What the future might look like Effective joint working between primary care team and specialist providers (may be in voluntary sector) Modern spacious accessible buildings Accessible public transport Comprehensive assessment of health and education needs
Getting to the Future -PCCC Transformation programme Structures and systems (over the years) that reflect the growing complexity of skills and expertise that is needed, but this has at times led to fragmented services and created a difficult journey for the service user as they try to access different services
Aims of PCCC Transformation Programme Aim is that users can easily access (as close to home as possible) a broad spectrum of health and social care services through their local primary care team, delivering easy to navigate Integrated Pathways of Care Majority of service needs met by PCTs In other cases PCTs arrange and manage care
How Will the New Model of Service Delivery Work ? Primary Care Team: majority of services will be provided by core members of the Primary Care Team Health and Social Care Network: Where the Team forms the opinion that a user has a complex set of needs requiring input from more specialised staff Acute Hospital Network: Sharing of resources and service provision between Hospitals, Networks and Teams
Primary Care Teams Opportunity for engagement with local community Contribution of voluntary sector to shaping of Transformation Programme Need to maintain quality, specialist knowledge and expertise in transition to new system
Primary Care Teams Mapping exercise – 566 primary care teams Population of 7000 – per team Included in Towards 2016 and in Programme for Government Population based approach to health care
National disability strategy Multi-annual investment programme Disability Act EPSEN Act Sectoral plans
Disability Act 822 applications to 31/10/07 Standardised approach to assessment of need Not influenced by availability of resources of services Report on unmet need for government
The Future - Challenges Standards, HIQA Complaints process under Health Act 2004 Recommendations in C & AG report Access to appropriately qualified staff Increasing expectations v scarce resources Increasing role for private sector Emerging service interventions
Working together at present - Co-ordinating committees Model of partnership working Forum for service user involvement in service planning and prioritisation Variable effectiveness Needs alignment to new HSE structures Working group established
Working together at present Framework of engagement between HSE and voluntary sector at national and local level Partnership approach to current issues Working groups around adult day services, congregated settings, implementation of disability act, etc. Early intervention services Shared posts
Working together – in the future Opportunities for increased levels of collaboration Transformation programme Need to provide PCTs with specialist information, expertise and support Challenge in reaching 566 teams
Working together – making it happen – statutory organisations Leadership Promote joint working Commitment Information and awareness of range and role of voluntary organisations Recognise complementary roles, skills and expertise Management framework Ensure clarity re roles, remit, boundaries and protocols
Working together – making it happen – voluntary organisations Looking to the future Awareness of environment, Impact of mainstreaming Identify strengths Commitment Take initiative Clarify mission….advocacy, information, support, health services, social care services, etc.
In Conclusion Invite you to continue your engagement at national and local level to ensure that health services in the near future promote the inclusion and well being of people with disabilities to the maximum. Thanking You Ger Reaney Local Health Manager, HSE …
Disability Federation of Ireland National Conference November nd 2007 Working together for the future Ger Reaney Local Health Manager