GEOGRAPHY CITIES How does geography play in the development of cities? Example: New York City
GEOGRAPHY OF CHICAGO Located on Lake Michigan Access to all the Great Lakes though the St. Lawrence River Access to the Mississippi River that leads to the Gulf of Mexico
GEOGRAPHY OF CHICAGO How did the area get its land formations? As a result of ice age that formed here millions of years before. The ice will move back and forth which will cause moraines. Moraines are rings of debris that will pop up around the area that will become Chicago. When the ice melts the water will go into large basin that the glaciers created. Also water will find in way to the Mississippi
FIRST EXPLORERS Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet were the first explores of the region when they came in They explored the area for France. They realized the potential of the area. After the exploration of Marquette and Jolliet the area would not boom over night. For the most part the area was used by fur traders.
FIRST SETTLERS One of the first settlers was Jean Baptiste point Du Sable who was believed to be from Haiti. Came around 1782 and established a farm.
TRADING OF HANDS France were the first to explore the region. They would lose the area to England after the French and Indian War in England would lose the region not much later when they lost the American Revolution.
NATIVE AMERICAN Before the Europeans came to the region there were six Native American tribes. The Miami, Potawatomi, Kickapoo, Fox, Mascouten, and Illinois. For a while Native American and Europeans would get along because only so few came to the area, but when they started taking land conflict arose between the two groups.
NATIVE AMERICANS Would lose land in the Treaty of Greenville. Which gave six square miles to the American at the mouth of the Chicago River. More fighting would continue an by 1832 the Native Americans lead by Black Hawk lead a revolt against the Americans. They were defeated and it was the last uprising Chicago would see of Native American. The Native Americans sighed all their land over to the United States for money and agreed to go West.
FORT DEARBORN Fort Dearborn was built on 1803, to protect Americans in the area. There was still conflict with the British and in 1812 war broke out. Fort Dearborn was abandoned during the war, but during the evacuation of it the Native Americans attacked the settlers. Fort Dearborn was rebuilt in 1816 after the conclusion of the war. Fort Dearborn would not be needed later on and would be completely torn down in 1857.
GROWING CITY When the Native Americans were removed Chicago began to grow? Why? Chicago became a town in 1833 and a city four years later. William B. Ogden became the first mayor of Chicago. What was needed to make the city grow from a small town to booming city by the end of the century.?
GROWING CITY The Illinois & Michigan Canal will open up a trade route in the mid-west. Construction started in July of 1836, but the canal was not finished for twelve years because there had been some money issues.
PEOPLE From being a small out put in 1812 the city had grown to a population of 30,000 by Where were all the people moving in from? Ireland, China, Russia, Italy, Swedish, Poland, Japan, Serbia Great Britain Germany Sweden What did the people do? Worked in ports and warehouses Meatpacking slaughterhouses Iron and Steel YearChicago Population , , ,977
GROWING CITY With the rapid growth of the city in the 1850’s buildings had to be constructed really fast and most of the building were constructed out of timber. There was a problem of public sanitation at the time because there was no plumbing so all the waste went onto the streets.
RAILROAD The Railroad is going to come to Chicago in the 1850’s which will cause the city to grow even faster. The railroads are also going to create jobs and new industries that will in turn bring in more jobs.
CIVIL WAR Chicago location during the Civil War worked to its advantage being that it was so far north. Also thanks to the railroads system that had been established in Chicago it made Chicago a great place to transport item from, because it was safe Also as a result of the war Chicago took over Cincinnati as being the place for meat- packing and lead to the opening of the stock yards in 1865
GREAT FIRE People in Chicago were not worried about a fire because they had great fire department that in 1870 had put out 700 fires and happened on a regular bases That changed on October 8, 1871 in the O’Leary barn or is one of the stories. There are many causes that lead to the “Great Five of Chicago” Including the firefighters were exhausted from several other fire they put out Mistakes in location of the fire and that it was a new fire
GREAT FIRE The toll of the Fire 300 presumed dead 17,500 buildings destroyed $ million in property damage
AFTER THE FIRE Chicago took right back off in building. In some ways Chicago was able to recreate its self After the fire the city passed an ordnance banning the construction of wood frames in most of Chicago A new style of architecture came from the fire because most of the city had been lost there was plenty of building that needed completed.