By Brytnie Carpenter
Hi, I’m Rixon I’m looking for a friend, can you help me?
Her name is Lolita She said she would meet me in town
She is on her way and she brought a friend for me to meet
Here we go!!!!!!
Hi Lolita
Hey Rixon, Here’s the friend I was telling you about
Hey, I’m Patch Hi, I’m Rixon
Lolita here has been helping me figure out what to do So what have ya’ll been up to?
Oh I’m sorry well you’re very lucky to have met Lolita she’s very nice He’s been very sad since his friend moved away so I’ve been helping him out
Well now you met me and lolita so we’ll make you happy again Yea we’ve been friends for a very long time and I miss him very much
no problem, Where’d did you come from anyways Thank you all so much
Cool well welcome to Texas my friend I came from Portland
Yea I bet you did yea I came along way from home Hey you guys where do yall want to go for lunch
The borderline I love that place what’s the borderline? It’s a Mexican restaurant they have all sorts of stuff to eat
Mexican Restaurant THE BORDERLINE
Yummy that was some good tacos Yea that was good, what did you think Patch? Yea I loved it. I cant wait to tell my family at home
Wow its getting dark I need to go home and get some rest Well Patch I hope you had a wonderful day see ya’ll tomorrow Yea me too my parents get real mad if I’m not home be a certain time
Bye Bye ya’ll Yea bye
What a beautiful morning
Good morning Lolita where’s Patch Hey Rixon have a nice sleep
Oh well shall we go then Oh he’s at town waiting for us
Yea we shall
Hey Patch did you have a nice sleep
Yep did you all
Uh huh Yea
IHOP So where do ya’ll want to go for breakfast IHOP I love that place
Yea lets go!!!!! Awesome IHOP it is Yayyyyy
We’re here Yep we’re here Yayyyyy
IHOP Lets eat Yea lets Yummy this is good
IHOP Wow that was good its already the afternoon OMG it is!!! Wow it is well I better go home and go fix lunch for my family
IHOP Ok well be here when you get back Yea we will Ok guys see you later
I’m back Well welcome back Yea welcome back
I fixed them their lunch That nice what did you make them Yea what did you make them
hamburgers Ooo sounds good Yummy that’s what we should do for lunch
What hamburgers? What should we Yummy that’s what we should do for lunch
What hamburgers? What should we do No not hamburgers grilled cheese
Yea that sounds perfect Yea it does Yea I know and we should grill them on a grill
Yea lets go but who has a grill I have one Cool we’ll go to your house then
Nice house Yea nice house thanks
Yea lets get started Well how bout some grilled cheese Ok lets
yippee Yay they’re ready yummy
Yep that was Yummy that was some good stuff I know, my mom cooked them
CREDITS Characters by Christina A and Brytnie C Background By Brytnie Carpenter