Seite 1 Program Structure – Thematic Issues DeCGG - Decentralisation as Contribution to Good Governance
Decentralisation as Contribution to Good Governance Fiscal Decentralisation Strengthening Bureaucracy Reform Sub-national governments implement standardised administrative and financial procedures for provision of public services and apply good governance principles Partner Ministries: Regulatory Framework Ministry of Finance Ministry of Home Affairs State Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucracy Reform National Development Planning Agency DI Yogyakarta East Kalimantan West Nusa Tenggara East Nusa Tenggara Subnational Partners: Central Java Thematic Issues:
Decentralisation as Contribution to Good Governance Thematic Issues: Regulatory Framework Focus 1: Strengthening the framework for standard- based public service delivery Focus 2: Supporting the consolidation of the regulatory framework for sub-national financial management Focus 3: Strengthening provincial governance functions (role of governor and inter-local government cooperation) Fiscal Decentralisation Focus 1: Supporting the development of mechanisms to ensure appropriate financing of basic services Focus 2: Supporting the creation of favorable conditions for effective and efficient management of sub- national taxes and charges Focus 3: Supporting the establishment of an international peer learning platform on fiscal decentralisation Bureaucracy Reform Focus 1:Strengthen Regulatory Framework through BR Policy Formulation in Kempan&RB Focus 2: Strengthen National BR Implementation Unit to perform its functions Focus 3:Support MoHA (BR Facilitation Unit) to guide application of the BR policy at local levels Sub National Implementation for Public Service Improvement Focus 1: Responsive planning and budgeting for public service delivery Focus 2: Social accountability mechanisms Focus 3: Strengthening the role of provincial governments Focus 4: Application of bureaucratic reform mechanisms
Linking supply and demand side at sub-national level (1) Focus 1: Responsive planning and budgeting for public service delivery Support to gender-responsive budgeting and planning and budgeting for minimum service standards at local level takes into account the basic needs of the people in a district/municipality and helps provide citizen-oriented public services. Focus 2: Social accountability mechanisms The facilitation of customer-complaint surveys and the Regulation of the Minister for Administrative Reform 13/2009 on “Public Service Quality Improvement with Public Participation” helps users to voice their (dis)satisfaction with certain public services (providers). A service contract and specific recommendations serve to build the service provider’s commitment and help monitor service improvement.
Linking supply and demand side at sub-national level (2) Focus 3: Strengthening the role of provincial governments Strengthening the role of the province in budget oversight, especially with regard to planning and budgeting for minimum service standards, but also in facilitating inter-local government cooperation helps to ensure a sufficient quality and scope of public services in districts and municipalities. Focus 4: Application of bureaucratic reform mechanisms Workshops and seminars on the Freedom of Information Law brought together local government and civil society actors to jointly identify the possibilities of the law for strengthening participatory planning and budgeting.