Government of CanadaGouvernement du Canada Service Transformation through Government On-Line Helen McDonald Director General, Office of the Chief Information Officer Treasury Board Secretariat Government of Canada Presentation to e-Governance Task Force “Leadership for e-Government Transformation” June 6, 2001
2 Government of CanadaGouvernement du Canada Towards a GOL vision Using information and communication technology to enhance Canadians’ access to improved citizen-centred, integrated information and services, anytime, anywhere and in the official language of their choice Core assumptions: GOL is a service improvement initiative 2004 is a step along the way to achieving the vision Guiding principles useful to frame decisions and to define 2004
3 Government of CanadaGouvernement du Canada GOL Guiding Principles - Benefits to Canadians For Canadians, GoC electronic services must be: Accessible to all Of direct benefit: easy to use, organised to meet Canadians’ priorities (citizen-centric), save time/effort/cost, improve quality and level of service; increase the range of service offerings Private and secure, generate trust and respond to citizen demands Shaped by Canadians’ input and constant feedback
4 Government of CanadaGouvernement du Canada GOL Guiding Principles - Consequences for Government To achieve benefits to citizens, the GOL initiative must be: Co-ordinated: to achieve progress across federal government (common infrastructure, policies, etc.) Collaborative: across departments and jurisdictions, involving the private and not-for-profit sectors Cost neutral across service delivery channels: increase use of self-service channels for routine transactions Transformative: move towards service re-engineering and integration, over time, where it makes sense Innovative: use proven technologies and private sector partnerships
5 Government of CanadaGouvernement du Canada Implementing GOL: Five key components On-line delivery of key client services (more than 200 identified) Shared infrastructure to support interoperability, service integration, cross-channel management & integration, and reduce overall costs Policy frameworks and standards that promote citizen trust, ease of use, and accessibility Service improvement, measurement, communications, user feedback An HR strategy to ensure the right skills for electronic and other service delivery
6 Government of CanadaGouvernement du Canada Electronic Service Delivery: Setting Priorities But simply putting 200 key services on-line won’t necessary meet the test of client-centricity. May not capture efficiencies possible. Three approaches considered to determine the nature and sequence of electronic service delivery: departments set their own priorities gateways and clusters play a role corporate identification of opportunities
7 Government of CanadaGouvernement du Canada How should information & services be clustered? Life Event? Client Group? Subject? Canadians said organize by
8 Government of CanadaGouvernement du Canada Clustering... BusinessCanadiansNon-Canadians Subject Clusters Start-up Financing Taxation Regulations HR Others Jobs Health Taxes Youth Seniors Others Going to Canada Canada & the World Doing business with Canada Others Government of Canada Portal ( …according to priorities of three client groups
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13 Government of CanadaGouvernement du Canada Strategic investments in GOL $280 million over 2 years: Up to $130 million to accelerate service integration and transformation Up to $135 million to build the infrastructure for secure on-line services secure channel, public key infrastructure, directories Up to $15 million to continue to build the policy framework privacy, security, information management, procurement and risk management
14 Government of CanadaGouvernement du Canada GOL Pathfinder Projects... For Canadians: Employment insurance Tax filing - Netfile Passport applications Integrated jobs web site Front end to Grants & Contributions For Canadian businesses: Record of employment Business registration, tax returns, tax payments, access to business accounts Electronic procurement For Non-Canadians: Status of citizenship applications … approved in Fall 2000
15 Government of CanadaGouvernement du Canada We are on the right track, but need to maintain momentum… Canada no. 1 among 22 nations (Accenture) largely a reflection of “sophisticated customer relationship management techniques, intentions-based design and a single point of entry to information” Citizen-centered approach is key factor with gateways and subject clusters at core of the re-designed Canada website at Achieving the goal requires collaboration across departments and across jurisdictions -- on service integration and cross- channel management … to meet the 2004 goal
16 Government of CanadaGouvernement du Canada For more information Government of Canada site: Government On-Line (information on targets and pathfinders): Chief Information Officer (information on key enablers for GOL):